Recent content by Hot Tuna

  1. H

    Nostalgic Sounding Trance In 2024

    Well, they kind of are. See that thread. And yes, that scene seems far more exciting than what's left of the traditional 'trance' scene.
  2. H

    Covid and vaccines and whatnot

    Because, surprise surprise, there is no longer any demand and it is not financially viable. No conspiracy here.
  3. H

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    When people watched Neil Armstrong in 1969, they said we'd be living on the moon by the year 2000. You guys are getting way too carried away based on "it's going to get better" without any real evidence.
  4. H

    All stuff trans- related

    Exactly. It's the same trope of the homophobic aunt/grandma who developed their opinions based on whatever right-wing newspaper they read, then immediately changed their tune when someone in the family came out. Or not, as was sadly the case in my own extended family. As I said in the other...
  5. H

    All stuff trans- related

    For the love of God, no. This forum already comes across as a creepy little boys club with a huge transphobia issue, the last thing we need is a thread where it can all come out. It's never me that starts this issue, it's only ever some awful hate-filled response to the subject of trans people...
  6. H

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    Except not "agreed" if you then immediately go on to add your own stupid, baseless thoughts. Comparing being transgender - something with decades of peer-reviewed scientific research and thousands of actual, living, happy transgender people as evidence - to the belief of being the reincarnation...
  7. H

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    Can it though? This relies on the science, mathematics and energy resources underpinning this technology developing further and do we really know what stage of development those are at? Look at how things like Metaverse, VR, crypto, blockchain, electric vehicles, Google glass, 3D TVs, 3D...
  8. H

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    I believe there is an active member of this forum who has mentioned they have a trans daughter. I suggest you debate with them the next time you get the opportunity if you're really interested in learning anything about it from someone with a bit more insight. But I expect you will prefer to...
  9. H

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    Well, I'm sure you know better than the thousands of people living their experience 👍
  10. H

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    I have reported that comment, if that kind of attitude is welcome here the trance scene can rot.
  11. H

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    So, you load in a sample, and it changes it depending on what buttons you press... AKA a synthesizer?
  12. H

    Westbam vs Red Jerry - Wizards Of The Sonic (Matt Darey Remix) [1998]

    A lot of those views may be from the Sonic The Hedgehog link.
  13. H

    This guys simply doesn't want to make original tracks

    Have any ladies joined this forum yet? Hmm, I wonder why not...