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  1. Jetflag

    Covid and vaccines and whatnot

    Except If that where the (sole) case , you'd think Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson et all would pull all their vaccin's from the market aswell no? Johnson et Johnson not too long ago even switched from a Conditional to a Standard marketing autorisation in the EU.. If the market were that saturated...
  2. Jetflag

    Covid and vaccines and whatnot Well now… 🧐
  3. Jetflag

    TranceFix Radio #018 - Merging Scenes - Mixed by Sunda

    Clint - Exosphere Main Mix [Slowciety] this one in particular has been on repeat love it.
  4. Jetflag

    Public Intellectuals

  5. Jetflag

    Public Intellectuals

    I like the back & forth he has with Harris, speaking of the new atheist movement.. they’re diametrical opposites, yet seem to be generating answers to difficult and pressing (philosophical) matters and even became close friends through their discussions. nice example of friction makes polish
  6. Jetflag

    Public Intellectuals

    A few interresting set of interviews with one of the early 2000's "four horsemen of the anti-apocalypse" Richard Dawkins and the new atheist movement have popped up in which he not only acknowledges overall need for religion, but actually laments the decline of "cultural" Christianity, which...
  7. Jetflag

    What's on your mind today?

    Its been played to death on the radio but I gotta say: Anti-hero is, unlike her usual "thisboibrokemyheartagain" tracks, I think a great track. like the covers even more.
  8. Jetflag


    didn't know you where married m8
  9. Jetflag

    Public Intellectuals

    Objectivism is a sound philosophy on paper but, like Socialism, is doomed to fail as its far to idealistic and ignores fundamental core tenets of humanity. Mainly that we are, as a species, intrinsinctly hierarchical, tribal, aswell as individualistic. Slapping "Anarchy" in front of that (or...
  10. Jetflag

    TranceFix Radio #018 - Merging Scenes - Mixed by Sunda

    oh hi, there's my workday sorted! class work gents (y)
  11. Jetflag


    Avoid the big cities and you should be fine
  12. Jetflag

    Façade - Half Way Home (Incl. Kago Pengchi, UDM Remixes) [2012]

    You’re old.. I just demented into not even remembering you where on unearthed too
  13. Jetflag

    Upcoming series / Latest series you've watched

    you, the customer, ultimatly decides ;)
  14. Jetflag

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    yeah I agree, which is again why i'm not all that affraid of AI "taking over everything" now admitted, AI is a strange and novel phenomenon compared to the rest but when you scroll through the pages of can sort of decern a red-thread throughout every single debate surrounding a...
  15. Jetflag

    AI, procedural generation and other new music technologies - What does the future of music hold?

    Yes but then again, so is virtually all music. there is no such thing as a blank slate original. Unless you lock an artist up from birth without any prior exposure to music and have him create a piece in total isolation, your always going to end up with something that is, at the very least...
  16. Jetflag

    Latest purchases (non-music)

    Oh don’t you now? 😏
  17. Jetflag

    AltAngSchmerz - Sphynx

    Nice, recognisable, simple melody. Which for this particular style is a good thing 👍