Thoughts on producers selling their entire project


Senior Member
Dec 5, 2020
968 Posts
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Liverpool, UK
No issues with using things like presets and sample packs and the like as a tool. Most of the greatest musical aritsts have used things like session musicians and co-writers to cover gaps in their music skills, I see these as the electronic equivalent. But passing an entire project that someone else has made off as your own work has never sat right with me to be honest.

Though, as a learning tool I suppose it would helpful to new producers to be able to break down a professionally made track.

That said, I cast no shade on the producers selling them, it can be tough to make ends meet as a musician and I understand why you'd see this as a good source of income.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
1,647 Posts
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West Yorkshire,England
Looking back,id have loved to have had an entire project to look at on my daw on day 1,to see the structure etc. glad i started with a blank screen,from scratch - that way i created my own style.

If you start off with someones whole project,youre always going to sound like them - thats why theres so many generic producers about now.
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