What's on your mind today?


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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I personally dislike how Youtube has become a cesspool of clickbait titles and thumbnails. It's manipulative social engineering at it's worse. Such a waste of time and no different from your email being spammed with spam emails.


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Apr 27, 2021
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London, UK
I personally dislike how Youtube has become a cesspool of clickbait titles and thumbnails. It's manipulative social engineering at it's worse. Such a waste of time and no different from your email being spammed with spam emails.
dude I'm fuckin over social media entirely, for a myriad of reasons. also on a separate note I have a collab coming up on a 'big' label I've never released on before and I just know they're going to ask me for one of those dumbass 'promo' videos and that just is not me. I just saw one in my insta feed and it made me cringe. if and when the time comes I might just deliberately do a sarcastic one or hide a dildo somewhere in the background of my studio and burn my bridges entirely. I'm moving to australia in a few months anyway, fuck it what have I got to lose

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
dude I'm fuckin over social media entirely, for a myriad of reasons. also on a separate note I have a collab coming up on a 'big' label I've never released on before and I just know they're going to ask me for one of those dumbass 'promo' videos and that just is not me. I just saw one in my insta feed and it made me cringe. if and when the time comes I might just deliberately do a sarcastic one or hide a dildo somewhere in the background of my studio and burn my bridges entirely. I'm moving to australia in a few months anyway, fuck it what have I got to lose
“What have i got to lose”

-You might loose that dildo, itl become hidden under a drum machine or ‘Groove box’. 🤭. (Just make sure its huge and youl be ok 😆)

- on a serious note, burning bridges tends to be regretful for some later. Hope you make the decision thats best for you. Australia sounds fun tho!
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Senior Member
Apr 27, 2021
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London, UK
“What have i got to lose”

-You might loose that dildo, itl become hidden under a drum machine or ‘Groove box’. 🤭. (Just make sure its huge and youl be ok 😆)

- on a serious note, burning bridges tends to be regretful for some later. Hope you make the decision thats best for you. Australia sounds fun tho!
i should have added that first i would need to buy a dildo but we currently have no kids therefore disposable income. i could own unlimited dildos if i wanted to. but yeah i mean i'd never do anything spiteful because that's not me, but i do wonder who these videos are for. who is buying a track off the strength of a studio promo video of some dick wearing a t-shirt with his own logo on it? probably not anybody i'd ever want to meet. am thinking of sacking trance off entirely anyway because i'm just not excited by it anymore. house and techno sparks joy, trance is way too rigid for me now

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
i should have added that first i would need to buy a dildo but we currently have no kids therefore disposable income. i could own unlimited dildos if i wanted to. but yeah i mean i'd never do anything spiteful because that's not me, but i do wonder who these videos are for. who is buying a track off the strength of a studio promo video of some dick wearing a t-shirt with his own logo on it? probably not anybody i'd ever want to meet. am thinking of sacking trance off entirely anyway because i'm just not excited by it anymore. house and techno sparks joy, trance is way too rigid for me now
Do you mean sacking off as in, not making or not releasing? Youve probably been doing it a lot longer than me, and as i havent released quite yet, i guess i have the excitement levels still high about trance. Plus i think it has the ability to express something specific that no other genre comes close to.

But not for whether itl be release worthy or anything, but i do sometimes try just making a track i love whether anyone would consider releasing it or not. (Offcourse not finishing many tracks / arranging sufficiently etc, prevents it too in my case)

Maybe im naive but im just excited by experimentation to attemp to find a new theme or sound in Trance. I think its fine to have unrealistic dreams as-long as you know its unlikely. Doesn't put me off trying tho. I think it would be almost impossible for me personally, but i hide that fact from myself when i try to do it. ( which is most times im in my studio making trance)
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Senior Member
Apr 27, 2021
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London, UK
Do you mean sacking off as in, not making or not releasing? Youve probably been doing it a lot longer than me, and as i havent released quite yet, i guess i have the excitement levels still high about trance. Plus i think it has the ability to express something specific that no other genre comes close to.

But not for whether itl be release worthy or anything, but i do sometimes try just making a track i love whether anyone would consider releasing it or not. (Offcourse not finishing many tracks / arranging sufficiently etc, prevents it too in my case)

Maybe im naive but im just excited by experimentation to attemp to find a new theme or sound in Trance. I think its fine to have unrealistic dreams as-long as you know its unlikely. Doesn't put me off trying tho. I think it would be almost impossible for me personally, but i hide that fact from myself when i try to do it. ( which is most times im in my studio making trance)
That's a fair question and one I'm happy to answer. I've been pretty vocal about how bored I've been by trance for a long time, almost all the guys that have become popular over the last 15 or so years really don't impress me but I've realised that it's actually just the genre as a whole that doesn't. I'm a synth nerd through and through and I've been producing since 2000 (releasing since 2007) and I've watched the sonic palette in trance gradually become more and more of a bottle neck to the point we're pretty much just down to about the same 8 sounds in every track. Yes I also realise I'm one of the prog guys but even that is starting to feel restrictive in a creative sense. The tracks I've had the most fun working on are when I do house, techno in all forms or when I'm just plain getting weird and for me that's where the expression is. I don't get any of those fuzzies from trance anymore and haven't for a long time
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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trance is way too rigid for me now
I am just wondering, as you're a creative artist in complete control over your works, how can something be too rigid for you? You could, theoretically, make whatever you want?

Unless your ultimate goal is to ReLeAsE yOuR mUsIc AnD bEcOmE a Dj.
That's a fair question and one I'm happy to answer. I've been pretty vocal about how bored I've been by trance for a long time, almost all the guys that have become popular over the last 15 or so years really don't impress me but I've realised that it's actually just the genre as a whole that doesn't. I'm a synth nerd through and through and I've been producing since 2000 (releasing since 2007) and I've watched the sonic palette in trance gradually become more and more of a bottle neck to the point we're pretty much just down to about the same 8 sounds in every track. Yes I also realise I'm one of the prog guys but even that is starting to feel restrictive in a creative sense. The tracks I've had the most fun working on are when I do house, techno in all forms or when I'm just plain getting weird and for me that's where the expression is. I don't get any of those fuzzies from trance anymore and haven't for a long time
Same as above. Why just not be weird and see where it takes you? As long as it's good music, you can at least be assured we will follow and feature. Just look at Super-Frog Saves Tokyo and what he's doing. Your fella that goes by the name of Narel with his nerdy synth album is also a good example.

As you, I don't really get the "hey, you know what? let's make the same track for the 394847th time" mentality.


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Apr 27, 2021
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London, UK
It's no sour grapes and I'm definitely not trying to sound ungrateful, I've had an ok run despite never being interested in climbing the ranks or whatever but I just don't really feel like I have many trance tracks left in me. Because I've done so many tracks that are fairly unconventional I feel like I've run out of ways to keep doing that without straying too far from trance. I'm still gonna finish my album at some point but I think I wanna do other stuff after that.
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
“. The tracks I've had the most fun working on are when I do house, techno in all forms or when I'm just plain getting weird and for me that's where the expression is.”

- This from all your valuable words I think stands out with me and affirms something that a lot of unknown (but desperate to be known) artists should remember. One should optimaly be led by fun and satisfaction through expression.

Im gonna be hands down honest here, and admit that Ive too often ignored the deeper inspiration to write a complete weird Ambient piece because at times im obsessed with getting to a stage i can release Trance.

- 2 weeks ago I borrowed a Behringer 2600 a mate has who wanted me to work out how to use it. I wanted to record its sounds and get melodic with it. As i could only work little bits out, i was forced to record it amongst the evenly timed pulse it was continually sending out (i havent discovered why yet) but i just tried to integrate it as couldnt get rid of that pulse. For fun I sent the results of my recording to a net label owner Ive released free ambient music with and hadnt caught up with for a while.
- He replied, thanks, i really like that , if you like this can go on the upcoming 10th anniversary Ambient compilation, the deadline is today. ( I was gobsmacked) . He also asked do i have anything else like a part 1 (my track was labeled part 2).
- long story short. I spent the evening making another, chopping audio etc from the 2600 clone, and putting environment samples to it. Im now really exited as part 1 is opening the compilation, and part 2 is going to be the final track on the compilation.

- Sorry to go on, but apart from expressing my happiness at doing this, im trying to show or prove (to myself as much as anyone) the point i thought you were saying that our expression is best led by fun, - the whole 7 hour experience making 2 tracks was a joy. ‘Child-like fun’
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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dude I'm fuckin over social media entirely, for a myriad of reasons. also on a separate note I have a collab coming up on a 'big' label I've never released on before and I just know they're going to ask me for one of those dumbass 'promo' videos and that just is not me. I just saw one in my insta feed and it made me cringe. if and when the time comes I might just deliberately do a sarcastic one or hide a dildo somewhere in the background of my studio and burn my bridges entirely. I'm moving to australia in a few months anyway, fuck it what have I got to lose
I see your bluff and I’m calling it just to make you actually pull that off



TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Back on the mountain bike again in Canada, this time riding for the first time in Vancouver. Always shaky and pissing my pants on the first day back on a new season but should warm up and be back into the swing of thing after a few more sessions.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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dude I'm fuckin over social media entirely, for a myriad of reasons. also on a separate note I have a collab coming up on a 'big' label I've never released on before and I just know they're going to ask me for one of those dumbass 'promo' videos and that just is not me. I just saw one in my insta feed and it made me cringe. if and when the time comes I might just deliberately do a sarcastic one or hide a dildo somewhere in the background of my studio and burn my bridges entirely. I'm moving to australia in a few months anyway, fuck it what have I got to lose
Oh I hear you. I have closed off my LinkedIn profile where it did not bring me any benefits. Now, I am thinking of closing off my YouTube channels as well. The only good thing about Italy is that it has a lot of attractive people but they are rude as fuck

Anyway, I am in italy at the moment. Its no different from india where the streets are not clean and so many homeless people here. The stuff here is expensive but some of the food is better than Australia. Hardly anyone speaks English. So many security guards with big guns and the ambulance are annoying as hell. I wish I never come here our flight was horrible the seats were so narrow and I hardly had any space to move. So much turbulence on the planes as well. Flight plan was not working and landing was botched as well. Food was horrible and no basic amenities provided by Singapore Airlines.

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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
I want to send a huge thanks to all who support me on here. I dont think you realise just how much it drives me to create my music and try to improve.

I feel a need to apologise for those tracks which can be tiresome to listen too. I understand at times its frustrating to hear unfinished unarranged tracks & I am pledging to myself not to do this anymore.

- the good news is I feel I have a better music approach which i have very succesfully carried out this week. I have stopped doing things during the creation process which totally distracted me and werent best to do in the middle of creating a track. (Eq, compression, limiting, and precision fx settings on reverb/delay) Im also being less fussy and feel i just know when its not necassary to ‘again’ try to perfect a sound ive designed. It all takes too much time and often change my mind later so is pretty pointless.

Im now keeping the flow so - that has actually brought me time to focus on (actually much more) important aspects. Arrangement and structure.

I intend from now only to post what i know has atleast ‘some’ significant & reasenable arrangement & structure to it.

tagging a few people who i realise spend a lot of time listening and often probably thinking . Not again Bobby. (I do feel your frustration).
much love
Bobby Summa.
@Archon @Hensmon @Jetflag @Recharge @Progrez @LostLegend @IXM @SleepyBuddah @Halon @facade1984 Sorry if ive forgotten anyone.


Senior Member
Apr 27, 2021
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London, UK
dude don't apologise - I'm forever sharing 30 second clips of projects with the other producers in my whatsapp groups because I just get too excited at times and this has been my hobby for 24 years. always stay changing, learning and adapting but above all else just make sure it's always fun


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Do not take this the wrong way, but TF honestly has very little available space in this tiny brain of mine. So stuff you think frustrates me doesn't really reach my mindspace that often. Plus, I learned to just not be that involved and only focus on what needs to be done.

You sent 5 small updates on a demo in the space of 24h? Cool. I'll listen to the latest one when I can. Or I won't. I do not anticipate any serious consequence to that.

In the end, you're not responsible for nobody's emotions but your own, same goes for everyone else. So no need to apologise.