19 Years In The Life Of A Bedroom Producer.

Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
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Hello all,

This thread will be my personal progress thread. I will post news, gossip and maybe more. I think I was 15 when I first started playing around with music. It was with software called "Dance Ejay". I was 15 in 2003. So yes, it was indeed 19 years ago.

The origins of the name Voci
My first tracks were horrible. Dance Ejay is a program that lets you select loops and little melodies and "build" a track. It's all pre-made. No VST's or anything. As I was just a stupid kid, I even send one of my ""tracks"" to Silicon Recordings, a label I loved at the time. The track was named: Unfazed & Vociferious "Unheard Of". A friend of mine was Unfazed, and I was Vociferious. Those words were litteraly a pure gamble from an English dictionary. We randomly said stop and the first word we'd find became our names. Yes, this is where the name Voci comes from. I even got a reply from Jowan on my demo, who ran that label. He told me to really listen to tracks, and discover what's in there. Which sounds are in there? How many different stuff is going on? Recreate a track I like. It was good feedback for a total noob. I mean, my "track" didn't even have a bassline, maybe.

A stolen idea
When I was 19, I learned a bit of Cubase during college. My study was based around webdesign, gamedesign, communication stuff, and... a bit of audio. For an audio assessment I had to make something in Cubase, to prove the teacher that I understood the basics of Cubase. I remade the track Vengaboys - Kiss (Airscape Remix). I called the track Unheard Of "Vibration". The teacher was impressed with the melodies I made. He thought I made everything up myself. Obviously, I didn't tell him it the track was basically (a bad) copy of that Airscape track. Anyway, I passed the test (so yay!). I even found it on my computer:

First semi-proper-ish trance attempt
I'm not sure it was after the Vengaboys remake, or before. But one of my first attempts at a "real" own track, in Cubase, was a track called Jaymi "Love Left Behind". I'm pretty sure I posted it on trance.nu. People sort of liked it, despite the crappy production. The sentiment was: for a complete n00b, it wasn't extremely extremely bad. I like the piano in it. Dark vibe. Maybe I should rework this into something half-decent. Or maybe not.

Meeting the Jetflag
In 2011 I participated in a local dj contest. I was chosen for the local finals, which was in Jetflag's hometown Leeuwarden. He came to see me, which was cool. I played his track "Icedive", eventhough nobody cared for trance there. I remember I was still a stupid shy kid. Anyway, I did not win. Jetflag was an example for me. Obviously. A local Frisian guy with releases on Solaris? Miles a head of my n00b-level. Anyway. Ten years later we'd collab for Aerium & Magnevi "COBRA". It took a while, indeed. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I remixed his Icedive for fun in that period (sample in next post)

At that time I produced under the name Magnetic Vision. That name was given to me before, by a Norwegian trance.nu user. I had him on MSN. He was a disabled guy, who didn't have much in his life besides his computer and trance. But then later I got an e-mail from his brother, saying he had passed away. So then I decided to keep that name.

My remix on Sven's page
Of course, anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a Svenson & Gielen fanboy. And mainly Sven, since he is the producer. So, in 2011-2012 I remixed a couple of their tracks. Twisted, which was played by Robert Gitelman. This was my first "real" support I'd say. I also remixed We Know What You Did. All synths and melodic elements were re-created by me. Except for the cello in the breakdown. That's sampled from the original. Now, I have never send it to Sven, but somehow he found it through Soundcloud (or via someone) and posted it on his Facebook page. I was pretty shocked when I scrolled through the Svenson-facebook-page and saw my track. His post said something like "great remix from a young dutch talent". That was a shocker... I think I send him a little message thanking him, and he replied something short like "nice work :)".

A little production break
I moved out from my parents house when I was 24. And it effectively meant I stopped producing, since I couldn't, in my student-esque room. During these years though, I started focussing on other genres, and more on deejaying. I started to like stuff like Swedish House Mafia, Avicii, Martin Garrix, Showtek. The older I was getting, the broader my taste would become. I started to let go of my shy past and started deejaying at parties. Mainly gay dance-nights. Half the audience always liked when I played, as it wasnt a typical "beyonce/lady gaga-fest". And the other half didn't like it that much, as they.. wanted.. beyonce and gaga...all night long.

Another shot at the dj-contest
In 2015 I entered the same dj-contest of 2011. And I got picked (from a demo) for the local finals again. This time though, with commercial (house) music in mind. And not trance. And with more confidence. No more shy kid. I won the local finals. That meant I got through to the national semi-finals. The semi finalists met Lucien Foort for a production-session, and Vato Gonzalez for a DJ-session. Every semi finalist then had to make a remix of an upcoming track on Lucien's label. Some of these boys who were in the semi finals had never made music in their life, but hey, this was the assignment. So the competition wasn't extremely tough, maybe. But since I was living in my student room, I made it on my laptop with a crappy headphone. But still, my remix was chosen as the best by Lucien Foort. And so I was through to the national finals. Which was deejaying during ADE in an empty Melkweg. There I lost to a duo who jumped behind the decks nonstop. And apparantly, that's called giving a show. Oh well.

Meeting Svenson
At the end of 2016 there was a little party in Belgium where Sven was on the line-up. Since he never performs, I had to go. I asked Sven about the party beforehand, so he knew I was going to visit. When we entered the club, the club owner received us with "Ah! Sven's friends!". Apparantly, us coming from NL all the way to Belgium for this tiny party was a surprise for everyone. It became a memorable night, where I talked for over an hour with Sven. About his music, career, his struggles with the music industry. And when he was playing, I danced on The Beauty Of Silence with Sven's boyfriend. Memorable night.

Concidence, or not?
In May 2019 I played on the Gay Pride party in Leeuwarden. The party was outside, on a square in the city, with some commercially playing DJ's, including me. I played near the end of the party, from 22:00 till 23:00. I ended with Armin's "Great Spirit" (Original + Wildstylez Remix mash-up). Didn't expect the gays and lesbiennes to like it much, but surprisingly, it was received amazingly well. Then at 00:00, I was going to play for another hour in a local bar, at walking distance from the square. I arrived at that bar 10 minutes before I'd play.

The deejay booth in this bar was directly there after the entrance. The place was packed. The current deejay playing some hiphop-ish crap. I put down my bag behind the booth. I had a choice to make: kill a few minutes here with this DJ, and then play. Or walk into the bar for a bit, and check out the place. I choose the latter. So I walk deeper into the bar... and who sits there? Svenson. With his boyfriend and 2 other friends. He recognized me too. I asked if they were in Leeuwarden for the Gay Pride, but he said no. He was visiting friends who live around Leeuwarden, and they went to Leeuwarden for a drink that evening. The choice for the bar was pure random too. Sven asked me if I always played at this bar. And my reply was, no, I never did, and I probably will never again. I don't live near Leeuwarden either. So I was like: how is it possible that I meet you here? He told me coincendes don't exist. He told me there were going to be Svenson & Gielen comeback singles (which were never released in the end, but we were excited at the time...) I asked if they were going to stay for another hour. They were curious for my set (or they acted like it...) so they'd stay. They said I couldn't be worse than the current deejay. I told him I would play something Svenson eventhough it's a commercial place.

So I started my hour, with commercial music like Icona Pop "I Don't Care". And a bit of 90's like Hadaway "What is Love?". Sven and his friends were in front of me dancing. Giving me wine all the time, lol. At the end of my hour, I played ATB - 9 PM, with the plan to switch to Svenson & Gielen - Twisted. As soon as the first kick of Twisted was played, I saw Sven recognized his own track. How magical was this moment? To play one of your biggest personal trance classics, in front of the guy who made the track? A strange and golden moment.

Back to producing
At the end of 2018 I moved into my current house. This is where I slowly built a room for producing. So in 2019 I could finally start producing again. A new computer, new monitors, everything new. So I also wanted a new name. The name Magnevi is basicaly a short form of Magnetic Vision. (This should be pronounced as Magnify btw).

After a bit of re-learning Cubase, one of my first tracks was a rework of Bermuda's Little Sound. This was actually a track I already did in the past, but I wanted to do a "better produced" version. Thanks to Jetflag, this became a release on the Legacy Of Trance Recordings. The B-Side "Devil In Disguise" features a little vocal sample. It's an unknown guy on Youtube singing Elvis "Devil In Disguise" song. And with some heavy altering and FX on it, it became a sample in my track.

Another early project was the Beachbreeze bootleg I made together with Jetflag. We made it completely through trancefix.nl. Sending each other short parts and ideas. I think we compliment each other pretty well. He's brilliant with small details, melodies, soundscapes. And perhaps I'm a bit more into beats/bass and mixing (since Jetflag only works on a laptop). Our end product was played by Solarstone on Pure Trance Radio. (Sample in next post)

A real collab with the Jetflag
After Beachbreeze, Jetflag proposed to finally, after all these years, do an actual collab. Obviously, this was a secret dream of mine. He send me a few files that I knew from our trance.nu days. He already send me these samples in 2011-2012. The middle eastern flute sample, and the middle eastern guy. Question was: cool samples, but how to make a track around it? I'll be fair with y'all. The main idea came from Jetflag. He'd like something "Joop" "Bolier" ish. A powerful techtrancer. With a rough idea for the main melody as well. The main melody Jetflag made had LOTS of potential. But it was very chaotic, and didn't have a good flow. I fiddled around with this melody for hours. Just to get it right. And imo it became a very cool "anthemic" melody. The whole track is like 50/50 production-wise. Some beats are mine, some are his. Same goes for the bass layers, percs, FX. I really like how it's a real collab with much stuff from the both of us. At least, that's how it see it.

Julian Del Agranda
Who the hell is this guy? Since I don't really care anymore, I'll just throw it out in the open. If you have read all this crap, then you deserve the truth. Right? Hola, the Julian Del Agranda alias is just me... Just a fun experiment with oldschool trance. At first, nobody knew it was me. Not even Jetflag, nor the mods. And to my surprise, many positive replies were posted on "A New World". I remember Gagi telling me: "When I heard this Julian track, I thought of you. Because if only you made beats like him, in stead of the steroids.....". But it was me. Agranda translates to "magnify" in Spanish, btw. So it was pretty obvious. :) The alias will probably stay for any "real oldschool" attempts I do. To prove it's me, here's the follow-up to the track:


So, that's my story so far. I hope you liked reading it.

There is already more news and musical stuff upcoming, but I cannot share that yet. But that's good. It will give me opportunities to bump this topic.

Kind regards,

Voci Del Magnevi


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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The whole track is like 50/50 production-wise.
I'd hereby like to point out that @Magnevi is under-crediting himself. The initial couple of samples/ideas of Cobra was what I brought across aswell as the square lead.. sure.

But most of the beats/samples, sound template, mixing, mastering not to mention the whole beeping arrangement was/ is all him. So 30/70 would be more accurate.

side note: We should defo do a follow up one day m8 (y)
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Senior Member
Oct 18, 2021
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I like the energy in your last song

the bass line is very unique, it sounds very energetic, it is awesome, you want to jump on the dance floor. it's fun to play loud. mastering is at the highest level, the arrangement is very interesting, but in this case it is only good, the worst are the transitions, you feel no idea for something interesting.
dynamics as awesome for me
swims nice, original
at first it feels like safri duo
the vocal sampel fits perfectly into the whole

drop comes in very smoothly

can I come for tutoring?
I listen to this for the 10th time I lose the possibility of an objective assessment. I love it!

in droppie bass plays the first violin u weigh is the greatest strength of this piece

I am not able to judge it emotionally. it is inviting, motivating

the song idea is brilliant
https://soundcloud.com/magnevi%2Fjulian-del-agranda-sentimientos-original-mix see 4; 30 begins
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Senior Member
Oct 18, 2021
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t's nice that @Magnevi
i dialed this number for people and not for the forum

what was your inspiration? what reference track?
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Awesome post man, really enjoyed reading it. You finally came out haha (as Julian)!
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Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
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Last weekend I played at a (hardcore/early rave oriented) festival. There was a small classic-trance stage too, with DJ Ton TB as headlliner. Or should I say, with Magnevi as headliner \0/ \0/ Anyway, here's my set. Including my own new track.

01. Armin van Buuren - Communication Part 3 [With Aerium - Himelfjoer Intro]
02. Mr Sam - Lyteo (Rank 1 Remix)
03. Grooveyard - Mary Go Wild (Krzysztof Chochlow Remix)
04. Magnevi - Bermuda's Little Sound
05. Young Parisians - Jump The Next Train (Kyau & Albert Remix)
06. Marc Marberg & Kyau vs Albert - Megashira
07. Aerium & Magnevi - COBRA
08. Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad? (Ferry Corsten Remix)
09. DJ Tiesto - Lethal Industry (Svenson & Gielen Remix)
10. Marco V vs Kosheen - Simulated Catch (Magnevi Mash-up)
11. Magnevi - The Battle Of Zela (Saving Time Mix)
12. Airscape - L'Esperanza (Svenson Love Parade Mix)
13. Rank 1 - Such Is Life
14. Ratty - Sunrise (Dub Mix)
15. Rank 1 - Breathing (Airwave) (Breaks Dub)
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Senior Member
Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK
Julian Del Agranda
Who the hell is this guy? Since I don't really care anymore, I'll just throw it out in the open. If you have read all this crap, then you deserve the truth. Right? Hola, the Julian Del Agranda alias is just me... Just a fun experiment with oldschool trance. At first, nobody knew it was me. Not even Jetflag, nor the mods. And to my surprise, many positive replies were posted on "A New World". I remember Gagi telling me: "When I heard this Julian track, I thought of you. Because if only you made beats like him, in stead of the steroids.....". But it was me. Agranda translates to "magnify" in Spanish, btw. So it was pretty obvious. :) The alias will probably stay for any "real oldschool" attempts I do. To prove it's me, here's the follow-up to the track:

Wait, WHAT!? 😮
What a tune! 🙌

Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
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Also, my new upcoming track is simply amazing. It will probably take months before you'll hear something of it.

But to start the tease........... it will include a Julian Del Agranda Remix.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Also, my new upcoming track is simply amazing. It will probably take months before you'll hear something of it.

But to start the tease........... it will include a Julian Del Agranda Remix.


Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
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So I signed a contract with a notable trance label for my most recent production.

Not for a modern type track, but a full on 1999 sounding Julian Del Agranda original.

Can’t share a sample obviously, although a couple of you had a secret preview 😉
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
This is a great thread Magnevi. 👍. I might do a thread called. ‘The olden days +3 years in the life of a cleaning cupboard producer ‘as my studio was my fiancé’s old 65 x 65 cm cleaning cupboard (she gave it to me). Fondly now known as ‘ The cupboard of Creativity’. We still keep our towels in there!
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