So the story goes....
Last summer i split up with my ex of 8 years. (There was no romance,we were just kind of tolerating each other in the end). I was on the dating apps after for a short while - and i met this incredible girl. She was the same age,lived local and has an incredible knowledge of Trance,right back to the early 90's.
She didnt know that i was a Trance producer when we started talking but she mentioned she loved Trance and Lange was one of her favourite producers - i told her id net him recently and he's even played some of my tracks. The connections are so strong with her - i played her one of my Trance DJ sets,and she actually picked out one track from the whole set - it was my own track 'Back To The Stars' (which is still the best track i ever made) She said it something to her and i got goosebumps when she told me.
Incredibly,we even share our favourite track of all time - Out Of The Blue.
She had collected the old Trance compilation CDs just like me in the late 90's.
We spend most Saturday nights just having a rave in my studio,listening to Trance and drinking beers. I just thought id post this thread because its so rare to find a connection like this,not only in this specific form of music,but many other connections we have and values we believe in.
We have even talked about which Trance tracks we would have at our wedding haha!
Anyway,id just thought id share this incredible love story with you....
Last summer i split up with my ex of 8 years. (There was no romance,we were just kind of tolerating each other in the end). I was on the dating apps after for a short while - and i met this incredible girl. She was the same age,lived local and has an incredible knowledge of Trance,right back to the early 90's.
She didnt know that i was a Trance producer when we started talking but she mentioned she loved Trance and Lange was one of her favourite producers - i told her id net him recently and he's even played some of my tracks. The connections are so strong with her - i played her one of my Trance DJ sets,and she actually picked out one track from the whole set - it was my own track 'Back To The Stars' (which is still the best track i ever made) She said it something to her and i got goosebumps when she told me.
Incredibly,we even share our favourite track of all time - Out Of The Blue.
She had collected the old Trance compilation CDs just like me in the late 90's.
We spend most Saturday nights just having a rave in my studio,listening to Trance and drinking beers. I just thought id post this thread because its so rare to find a connection like this,not only in this specific form of music,but many other connections we have and values we believe in.
We have even talked about which Trance tracks we would have at our wedding haha!
Anyway,id just thought id share this incredible love story with you....