A new era of TranceFix - Welcome to the new forum!


Respect my authoritah!
TranceFix Crew
Jun 24, 2020
68 Posts
120 Thanked
A new era of TranceFix

Welcome to our new forum guys and gals! We hope you like the new look and feel. This new software is awesome and works like a charm, giving us a home indefinitely long into the future. It was a shame we couldn’t bring forward any old forum data or user accounts into the new platform, but it feels great to re-think, clean and organise the forum with new breath of life, focusing on the present and future of amazing Trance and Electronic music to come

On that note:


Thanks for understand that. Please check your spam if you cant find your confirmation email. Here is a breakdown of some of the new functionality and features you can expect to find on the new forum.

New Design

As you can see we have a new logo, branding and UI. We hope we still managed to capture the old forum feel alongside a modern feel and touch of Trance magic. We also now have both light and dark mode options for the theme - check the switch at the bottom of the page to change between the two.

New Functionality
  • Mobile Ready - TranceFix anytime, on the go!
  • Searching - More powerful and accurate
  • Thread creation - in the Releases section thread creation has been improved to allow for more info and organisation (to improve searching)
  • Private messaging - Massively improved
  • Auto-Embed Media - Just paste a YouTube or Soundcloud link directly into your post
  • Follow members - And stalk them
  • Tagging - Easier and highly searchable
  • Track of the Week - Tag a thread release ‘nominate’ to vote!
  • Light and Dark mode - Switch found at the bottom of the page

New Rules

New rules have been added to the sections, open them up and have a look. Generally they have been constructed around posting releases and keeping things organised, however we are also trying to encourage a more quality-over-quantity mentality in Upcoming Releases and Classic sections. We want users to post new scene releases that are enjoyable for you or that you think would be enjoyable for others. Hopefully this will reduce the amount of thread dumping and 0 reply activity. Overall though, not much has changed and, as always, be respectful of one another.

You can find the full list of rules here


We are also launching a competition for all members. A chance to win 1 of 3 50$ music vouchers. Its easy to enter and all info can be found here


Please feel free to post any forum feedback or suggestions for future development here.

Thank You!

Enjoy everyone, we in the team have had great fun and satisfaction putting this together. We want you all to know that you have been very helpful, through your donations and suggestions. Without that, this would not be possible. You proved to everyone that the forum is still relevant in this day and age, and most of all, worth saving, and worth preserving.

Long live Trance and long live TranceFix!
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  • Thanks
Reactions: Taurec and Tijana


Lost in Trancelation
Jul 13, 2020
2,549 Posts
1,751 Thanked
Still here, still daysleeping, still avoiding steroids.

Great work guys. It feels like a new chapter. Would one dare to say that trance also feels a bit up and coming sort of atm?

I will probably be more of a lurker here these days, but will def visit the site regularly. I dont have any personal attachments to trance these days so im just happy this is continuing. Im actually feeling a little bit like a kid in a candyshop.

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