whats so gorgeous about it?? Like i dont mean to be rude or provocative but I really dont get what you guys see in this? well yes its not terrible in any way but opposite of that its nowhere near great or even very good. Its just decent to me. To me its the very typical mostly generic beatwork modern prog. with that very heavy focus on the clap and shaker in the beat, and sloppy minimal repetitive grooves with a bit of texture and hardly developes to anything interesting.
I mean yeah at the beginnig im like yeah this sound nice and full with a nice mysterious vibe and nice atmosphere, nice rounded kick, decent bassline, then when the claps and shaker/hats comes in im just thrown off immediatly, it gets repetitiv and annoying quite fast. He adds some textures, and twinkly stuff on top but thats it really. Its not BAD, but its not interesting or musically compelling. Its a soooooo middle-of-the-road-production to me, but stuff like this always seem to be enjoyed by many of you...
Its mildly interesting to me, to put it simply.