DJ Recharge - What Are You Going To Do About It (115bpm organic/prog house)


Elite Member
Sep 26, 2020
1,056 Posts
604 Thanked
Funny story I was browsing splice yesterday because of another song that felt unfinished and I came by this sample and I instantly knew I want to make a song around it.

For example I used samples for the hi hats, but got really creative on the rest of the drums, I always use a few claps I like so this time so this time I went with rimshot instead, added a wood perc that I played through all the songs, shaped the kick myself which is a rare thing for me and made it more interesting going off the 4/4 grid at the start of new verses.

Initially I wrote an arp too, but hated and removed it, I am still not sure if the song sounds finished or not.

Overall reminds me of Rufus De Sol and this is the second song I made that reminds me of them.
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Elite Member
Sep 26, 2020
1,056 Posts
604 Thanked
liking it, wonky. but nice.
Funny thing about that I wanted to make it more like the sample I used, but at some point it went even more warm sounding and i wasn't sure how. A few days after I made the song I got curious so went through the whole songs and realised that instead of putting filter on one of the bass sounds I had put a filter on the master channel. Tried without the filter and the song was much more clearer, but felt like it was loosing its character. Basically most of the highs on the whole song are filtered. I was thinking of maybe automating it through the song, but decided that's one 'happy accident' I wanted to keep.