Worth a look There was another 2 hour documentary called Killuminati, but I don't know where it got lost. Is completely lost.
Hi Nerio.
That looks like a very interesting documentary. Ive just watched a little bit of it ( just noticed its over 3 hours in length so will do the rest another time)
I have this naïve attitude but an attitude i will always stick by. Biggest problem is some (almost all) people don’t understand what makes them experience ‘actual’ happiness and fulfilment. I knew the illuminati would feature heavily in this documentary.
The world will always be based on power until people realise what ‘real’ power is. ( the ability to not need any power basically). Where there is no concern for acquiring power over people or acquiring hugely gross amounts of money for the purpose of pointless control over things that have nothing to ‘actually’ do with YOU and WILL NOT serve any purpose other than an out of control base urge to be a Lord of everything mistakenly perceived as important.
In a sense i feel sorry for them. ( the illuminati) If what I currently believe is right. Their karma ( karma likely ain’t what people think it is) is gonna take them to the sewers when they pass away and theres nowt they’ll be able to do about it. ( in my humble opinion and flexible belief)
Think il stop now. Im gonna make some trance music.