Uncomfortable parallels yes, but as someone who came into dubstep right in the middle of the tear-out sound he described I can give the perspective that these bastardized points in a genres history might just be good a thing in the long-run. I never even heard of dubstep before 2007 and then when Casper & Rusko blew up, we as friends would spend 2/3 years partying every week at a dub-step night, almost always tear-out style. We loved it, everyone did across the country it was cool to be a part of it. We were the equivalent of someone getting into Trance in 2009 and thinking those sounds are the best and that it didn't even exist before this point. It got boring fast but now 10 years later I still enjoy dubstep and here i am chatting about its history and digging up older records and expanding the knowledge and collection. Its kind of like the perfect gateway into the more serious sounds of that world.