Glen S - Elation Station (Album) [Craigie Knowes]

Glen S
Release title
Elation Station
Label name
Craigie Knowes
Release date
Nov 13, 2023
Release type
Artist album
Link to external store


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Jan 11, 2022
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Northern California


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Yeah never really got in Glen S either. Nice sounds but over uses many of them, and often with very boring arrangements, even more so than the typical for this scene. Agree that these previews sound much better so will def give this one a go.


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Jul 19, 2022
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I've actually not been that much on the Glen S train in the past. I've usually found him to be one of the more predictable producers (much to @SaltAcidFatHeatAcid's chagrin). However, the previews of this album so far sound very strong!

Ha! I think you overestimate the chagrin. Glen S is one of the biggest project file recyclers I've heard, and it's not like I've been shy about that. The reason I don't really care, is that he absolutely nails it now and then. Gatewayed Rugs, Superfast, La Disco Tech, to name a few. I don't really hear this sound from many other producers, so it fills a niche in my sets, and I really dig the floaty acid dreamscape. And, I have like 5x other versions of each track in different keys with all the recycling! A track for every occasion LOL.

What's funny to me is this EP doesn't sound much different to his other releases, I hear his old tracks throughout the EP. Maybe you guys are just coming around :)
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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^ Actually really like that. Really nice punchy modern sounds too. Personally think the more oldschool and analogue you can get with the sounds the the better this track becomes, making it more trippy, atmospheric and interesting, but its still sounds nice regardless.

I think as the track goes on it looses me a bit because the musical journey isn't really there, but I did get put in a hypnotic kind of state when listening. Would just be great for a pause or for a switch up of some kind, let the music speak.


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2022
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Northern California
Upon full release, I'd say it's a pretty good release; some of the tunes are a bit samey but overall solid. Not touching Sleep D's album for AOTY though. Favorite tune remains Schponglen, Hands In The Air and Full Moon Party would be fun to hear played out too.