How long does it take you guys to complete a track?

Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Just now I started a track. An experiment.
Aim: Write a track quickly.

I did 90 mins and have a lot of it done.

It would usually have taken 4 / 5 times as long to get this far for me. I decided to start with a kick @jetflag . ( I don’t usually).

i can see myself finishing it in around 4 hours in total.

Tried a new approach. No overthinking.
No perfection, no headache.

Its been great FUN!
Will post tomorrow if I finish it. (old classic mid 90s feel maybe)

How long do you guys take to complete a track? Not including and including mixing?

Cheers all.


Jan 11, 2022
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Oh, it really depends on my mood and the sound I aim to reach. For example, one track was very easy to write, and I made 80% progress within several hours. Another track gave me quite a headache, I struggled with the idea of bass, and all the instruments, but you can hear the result of Tokyo Lights)
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Julian Del Agranda

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I can't imagine making something in 90 minutes. But I'm not the type of guy who sits behind a piano and improvises melodies endlessly. That would be great though.

I need a lot of trial and error until something sounds just right. I mess around with percussion samples and loops untill it's just right. I want the hi-hats to be in key, the percs as much as possible too. EQ all the tracks. Do they need some delay/reverb? Takes a lot of time.

The sounds I pick and what I make inspires to develop the track further. The endresult might be very different to what I started with.

I do get better "getting there faster" though.
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TranceFix Crew
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But sometimes most of the ideas would come in early during the process. As soon as the ideas were more refined, I would create (a part of) an arrangement, sometimes more roughly, sometimes almost in full.

But that's where mostly everything stopped, usually.

In general, most of the creative work (and work in general) happened early, and after that there was little motivation for me to learn and do the technical stuff, and everything came to a halt.
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Bobby Summa

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Crystaldee was done in 4 hours and Resilience was in the works for 5 months.
Exclent i will check out Crystaldee
Resilience 5 months. Was it a case of a little here and there over time or did certain things make it take that time. For example with me it’s sometimes ambitious tasks i try to do with automation or fx or a hard edit feature to control. This I’ve realised prevents me from finishing tracks at the right inspiration levels. When my inspiration drops so does my interest in the track. My inspiration drops when its flow is interrupted by an ambitious vst/daw/fx task that I might struggle with. If i try not to insist on getting the perfect sound or fx that im imagining and settle for pretty close then all is well it seems.

Edit: just checking out crystaldee now. That is some studio session you must have had to make that in 4 hours. Great stuff. Would you say it has both dub and breaks and off course trance for influence of its style? I rather like it. Cheers
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Bobby Summa

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Thanks for all comments guys.
As i am hoping to improve my song completion rate it's very useful to see where other more established signed producers and also the pure hobbyists have their strengths and weaknesses.

I haven’t released trance before but feel speeding up the creative process will help me to keep inspiration flowing.

Things have gone pretty well for the 2nd 90 mins session. Im 3 hrs into it but feel it may be tight to completely in 4 hrs and im not using it as a deadline.

Will post result later.

im using a TF-R track as reference by syncing it into tempo of my track and having it in an audio track channel.


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Resilience 5 months. Was it a case of a little here and there over time or did certain things make it take that time. For example with me it’s sometimes ambitious tasks i try to do with automation or fx or a hard edit feature to control. This I’ve realised prevents me from finishing tracks at the right inspiration levels. When my inspiration drops so does my interest in the track. My inspiration drops when its flow is interrupted by an ambitious vst/daw/fx task that I might struggle with. If i try not to insist on getting the perfect sound or fx that im imagining and settle for pretty close then all is well it seems.

I was stuck with the main theme of the track and breakdown for a while. Later I couldn't get my ideas together to make them sound harmonic. Last 2 weeks we were working on the sound/mixing with my engineer and in the end he's done stem mastering for it.
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Bobby Summa

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Ok so I have kind of finished a tune. Its taken 6 1/2 hours

This is the fastest ive written a Trance track in.
But obviously it can be improved on. The point of doing it was to try and improve my workflow and learn a few things.
What ive done i feel has good elements but room for development and improvement certainly. There are bits I realise dont fit. I wont say too much more.

See what you think.

Cheers. Many thanks for the help. 🫶

Only the Raw


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Don't think I've ever completed a track in 4 hours!

Once I've come up with a solid idea, I usually work pretty fast in getting the the core ideas and layout of the song done, but then slow down as I work on the minutiae of track, the effects, details, mixing and the like.
If I am feeling really motivated and have the free time, I can finish a track in a couple of days.
Usually it's a week or 2 if my work schedule is heavy.

It can vary though, if I have a lot of music projects on the go at once it can take many weeks and sometimes I'll run out of ideas on where to take a track and it can sit in my WIP folder for a year before I come back to it.

Sometimes tracks are just ready when they are ready.
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Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Don't think I've ever completed a track in 4 hours!

Once I've come up with a solid idea, I usually work pretty fast in getting the the core ideas and layout of the song done, but then slow down as I work on the minutiae of track, the effects, details, mixing and the like.
If I am feeling really motivated and have the free time, I can finish a track in a couple of days.
Usually it's a week or 2 if my work schedule is heavy.

It can vary though, if I have a lot of music projects on the go at once it can take many weeks and sometimes I'll run out of ideas on where to take a track and it can sit in my WIP folder for a year before I come back to it.

Sometimes tracks are just ready when they are ready.
Thanks for sharing that mate. Sounds a bit like my usual way of doing things although I usually take longer i would think. I have so many unfinished WIPs so i thought id see what can be done quickly. I think we posted a comment at the same time. The Post just above yours i put my new track on. I hurried the end and 2 nd section because i wanted to do it before a certain time.

im considering putting myself on fiverr and wanted to see if i can do a track without weeks of work.

The track I realise sounds a little dis jointed but im fairly happy that sound creation, melody, rhythm, kick fx, and arrangement plus mixing and Cloud-bounce mastering took under 7 hours over the period of 2 days. I know there is a mistake plus a pretty glaring bit that i dont think fits but objective was to do a track in as few hours as possible.

( i know the acid doesn’t really fit in the vibe of the track but had to finish second section quickly so chose easy option for now)

Listened properly just now. I actually like the acid section now. I also feel i could make this 8 mins.
Actually quite pleased with what ive made! 😊( especially seeing as it took 7 1/2 hours for whole process!
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Cheers to TF-R’s Jullian Del Agranda , for a reference track! 😉

Hers mine
Heres jullians



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im considering putting myself on fiverr and wanted to see if i can do a track without weeks of work.
Having a deadline to work to can actually help, well it does for me anyway (nudge wink :p )

I've done a couple of remixes on commission (Just finished another one for El-El actually) and having a set time to finish something helps you to focus and push that project to the front of the queue. That said, the deadlines are usually generous (weeks rather than days) but even so, if like me you work long hours and generally don't work on music on work days (Usually too tired) then it can certainly help you focus your free time scheduling.
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Bobby Summa

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Having a deadline to work to can actually help, well it does for me anyway (nudge wink :p )

I've done a couple of remixes on commission (Just finished another one for El-El actually) and having a set time to finish something helps you to focus and push that project to the front of the queue. That said, the deadlines are usually generous (weeks rather than days) but even so, if like me you work long hours and generally don't work on music on work days (Usually too tired) then it can certainly help you focus your free time scheduling.
Weirdly i have found if i have an hour to do music. I can sometimes get further in that hour than if i have the whole day free and do 5 or 6 hours. Like you say, time pressure is often good. Focus increases.

im not currently working ( sick leave) but when i am, i sometimes do an hour if i have time. Sometimes 2. But i would go for 3 or 4 days sometimes without doing any studio work. Just got to slot it in when you can sometimes. I actually find early mornings ( 5am) very productive but haven’t done that in a while. Theres an atmosphere that time of day I really like and find inspiring. Its like the world is asleep and everything is calm. ( although i realise its just most in UK are asleep but i kinda imagine its the whole world just for inspiration). Doing Ambient pieces are nice at that time


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Weirdly i have found if i have an hour to do music. I can sometimes get further in that hour than if i have the whole day free and do 5 or 6 hours. Like you say, time pressure is often good. Focus increases.

im not currently working ( sick leave) but when i am, i sometimes do an hour if i have time. Sometimes 2. But i would go for 3 or 4 days sometimes without doing any studio work. Just got to slot it in when you can sometimes. I actually find early mornings ( 5am) very productive but haven’t done that in a while. Theres an atmosphere that time of day I really like and find inspiring. Its like the world is asleep and everything is calm. ( although i realise its just most in UK are asleep but i kinda imagine its the whole world just for inspiration). Doing Ambient pieces are nice at that time
Everyone's different, that's the thing about creativity I suppose, you can't really control it.

It's also why I often tell people to be wary of what they learn from some of these music production YouTubers.
I've seen a few say you should "Work on music every day and make it part of your routine"
It's not terrible advice and might be well and good if you are looking into a full time career in the industry, but if I did that I'd burn out very quickly and begin to see it as a chore rather than a hobby I enjoy. My creative out put would suffer as a result.
Everyone is different and you have to find your own workflow through trial and error.

Anyway, I've derailed this thread enough, I'm gonna listen to the tunes you've posted now :LOL:
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Bobby Summa

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Brighton UK
Everyone's different, that's the thing about creativity I suppose, you can't really control it.

It's also why I often tell people to be wary of what they learn from some of these music production YouTubers.
I've seen a few say you should "Work on music every day and make it part of your routine"
It's not terrible advice and might be well and good if you are looking into a full time career in the industry, but if I did that I'd burn out very quickly and begin to see it as a chore rather than a hobby I enjoy. My creative out put would suffer as a result.
Everyone is different and you have to find your own workflow through trial and error.

Anyway, I've derailed this thread enough, I'm gonna listen to the tunes you've posted now :LOL:
Hey mate. No one beats me when it comes to de railing a thread. @Gagi knows all about my forum f***ups! Still doing them I expect lol.
youve made a really good point about seeing it as a chore if its your full time thing. I’ve in the last 3 years off getting back into production basically had a dream of ‘somehow’ finding something i can do in the industry full time. But. Interestingly after doing this track today the thought of say making a living with fiverr ( which some freelanceers do apparently) ( not that i could but it was an idea i had recently to work up to being able to not do a full time day job) I think the pressure might crush me if i relied on jobs writing music for other people’s projects. I just thought about making enough to work 3 days a week by about a years time. I write many styles you see. But no guarantees id make much money and it might all be too pressuring. 🤷‍♂️
There are loads of nice cafes near me to chill out in tho. 🧘
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Cheers to TF-R’s Jullian Del Agranda , for a reference track! 😉

Hers mine
Heres jullians

As always, your synth work is great, some nice layers and sounds in there.
Not going to comment on the mixing as it's still a quick project and that.

However, I feel the track is struggling for identity. It has the melodic elements of something deep and progressive but the tempo suggests something more energetic, with neither really landing.
You need to find an anchor point for the direction you are taking this track to lean into. A track can be both energetic and progressive but you need to have a focus for the track somewhere. Like basing the track around a more solid groove for listeners to get locked into, or do something more attention grabbing melodically.


The synths arps are repetitive and hypnotic and the pad hits are deep and dreamy which would suggest something deeper and progressive sounding, yet the track is like 136bpm which would suggest a harder more upbeat sound. So how does the track work at being so good?
He's really focused on the groove. It has a really pronounced, solid staccato bassline that cuts through everything and those oldskool style break drums over the percussion that gives this track a real energetic groove that the listener can lock into.

Find something to be the central focus of your track and build everything around it.
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
As always, your synth work is great, some nice layers and sounds in there.
Not going to comment on the mixing as it's still a quick project and that.

However, I feel the track is struggling for identity. It has the melodic elements of something deep and progressive but the tempo suggests something more energetic, with neither really landing.
You need to find an anchor point for the direction you are taking this track to lean into. A track can be both energetic and progressive but you need to have a focus for the track somewhere. Like basing the track around a more solid groove for listeners to get locked into, or do something more attention grabbing melodically.


The synths arps are repetitive and hypnotic and the pad hits are deep and dreamy which would suggest something deeper and progressive sounding, yet the track is like 136bpm which would suggest a harder more upbeat sound. So how does the track work at being so good?
He's really focused on the groove. It has a really pronounced, solid staccato bassline that cuts through everything and those oldskool style break drums over the percussion that gives this track a real energetic groove that the listener can lock into.

Find something to be the central focus of your track and build everything around it.
Excellent man, as i was doing the second section i was thinking just that . I was searching through melodies id made in the first bit to bring back. Couldn’t find anything solid so bought a alteration of a melody id made and some d16 phosy acid! ( live that vst). I had run out of energy for the track today after doing 5 hours today at that point. But . I will get back to the track soon and create something to ( hopefully) hold it together. I also realised id kinda swapped styles a little half way through but the thing about doing a complete track in a day ( or so) made me just put something kinda ok down.
Its very confidence inspiring that we are on the same page on that solid groove thing to glue a track. Definitely gonna try and do that on it next. Btw does this track sound 140 bpm? ( pretty sure thats what i settled for as I started with it at 140 yesterday evening)

edit: @LostLegend
Ok just had an idea ( actually had it earlier but rejected it as wasnt sure the acid would fit. Wasn’t sure it did even in the second section at that point.

Do you think acid in the first section too would glue it together with an identity?
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