IMPORTANT: Registration and account management

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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked
Hello dear (future) TranceFixer!

I'm writing this to provide you with some information that should be useful before, during or after registration.

1. Important info before you register​

We have been getting lots of spam accounts reported by our spam protection tool. Because we have no knowledge about how the algorithm works, and because we have no way of knowing whether any reported account is a spam bot/person, every reported registration is automatically treated as suspicious, and therefore the registration request is denied and the account permanently banned.

So, here are a couple of tips that should help you with registration.

  • VPN
Because of the way the VPN works, it is not always possible for the algorithm to determine whether the account is a potential spammer. There have been instances of valid, registered accounts getting automatically banned by the algorithm, just because they used a VPN. So we suggest switching it off for our domain. It's up to you, of course, and the vast majority of users have no trouble with this.

  • Email
Russian/Ukrainian/etc. domains (such as, etc.) are automatically treated as a potential spammer. It is also true for proxy/disposable email accounts (, as well as official company domains. It is highly advisable that you don't use those, but rather your personal mail coming from a relatively trusted domain (, etc.).

2. Confirmation email and validation issues​

You should get your confirmation email when you register. If you do not, check your spam/junk folder first. These should come from the, so double-check this before clicking on the link to avoid malware and protect your credentials.

If there is no email anywhere, maybe your account was picked up by our spam algorithm. We process these daily, but please be patient. If it ends up there, it will most likely get denied anyways.

What you can do then, is contact us at our email address: Explain your situation, provide us with your username and we will get back to you ASAP.

3. Account management​

If you are registered but want something changed or have any questions, contact me by sending me a PM. I will do my best to answer as shortly as possible.

And that's it!

Enjoy your stay.
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