Infected Mushroom - Ratio Shmatio [2004]

Infected Mushroom
Release title
Ratio Shmatio
Label name
YoYo Records
Release year


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One of my top Infected Mushroom tracks. Released as part of their IM The Supervisor 2004 album.

The first 1:45 minutes are a fairly standard, melody-less buildup. Then, the menacing strings in typical IM fashion take over along with a spooky piano line. At 2:45 the track jumps from spooky to urgent. This minute is characterized by a busy synth that evokes urgency yet feels oddly soothing. As consistent with each shift in the track, minute 3:45 switches the mood of the track again and returns to the spooky vibe from earlier. However, the spookyness doesn't last for long, and around the 4 minute mark you can hear another melody rise up. You're met with a quick break at 4:18, and finally Ratio Schmatio launches in full climax at 4:24, which is one of the best climaxes Infected Mushroom ever made.

Overall, each minute brings in something radically different from the previous section to alter the mood. Ratio Schmatio is dynamic, and you won't get bored listening to it!

If you liked the climax and melodies of this track, check out PHD - Summer Storm (Leisure Lounge edit) [1994]. It's a neat track from the early days of trance, and its bassline pattern reminds me of Ratio Shmatio.