John 00 Fleming - Desert Rider [2016]

John 00 Fleming
Release title
Desert Rider
Label name
JOOF Mantra
Release year


Senior Member
Jan 11, 2022
413 Posts
423 Thanked
Northern California

My personal favorite JOOF track. Might be a bit of a controversial take given his backcatalog but the build throughout the track and the main lead hit so strongly for me. No real breakdown, just nice solid flowing energy and growth throughout, and the B-melody is pretty decent as well. There's a part in the middle of JOOF editions 3 where this comes on along with TDB - Symposium, JOOF's I See The Spirit remix, and Ovnimoon - You Can Do This that's just about the peak of (standard) modern progressive psy summed up.

The track also has some sentimental value to me - I peaked on top of a monstrous sand dune in Death Valley with this playing during one of my all-time favorite trips. It hit absolutely perfect!


Senior Member
Aug 11, 2021
550 Posts
308 Thanked
Massive stuff, prog psy at its finest. Sadly joof turned to shit shortly after this


Senior Member
Dec 11, 2020
440 Posts
249 Thanked
Never had this one play before, It’s massive and top quality JOOF