I only truely loved Godform, wow! but i also agree with Daysleeper here, some essential ingredients are missing despite having some great parts, not having to worry about a build up / release of tension with this sub genre, as it just keeps on going on in a repetitive manner, which can indeed sound blend and directionless (if a single track is sounding like 100 different trance tracks out there)..then its basically aiming for jack of all trade and not too confident within itself which can also = immature in a way as its a 'hoping' to please potential new fans / target wider audience within the realm of trance and it kinda shows lack of distinctive ideas / artists inability of creating a powerful/techinical melodic layers of complexities (as it relies on samples & various fx) in order to pull your SOUL in gradually needing to listen to the entire track a good few times just to get use to all the elements and then enjoy the subtle stuff placed there intentionally for further proper enjoyment, Godform is sounding great, it shows the potential is there for this type of genre..
Basically pick your poison type of situation, stuff like this sounds more organic and not as digital / sharp sounding as mainstream releases, but at the same time its not as cohesive sounding (as normal / generic ) mainstream trance due to lack of melancholic vibes/ingredients, proper melodical hook with kick/bass combo aka the 'soul / artists signature sound' particle which connects us closer & closer to the music or makes you move closer to the speakers in a dance floor situation.