Lost in Trancelation
This one is really hard to critique, tbch. Its like I listen to it, and it sounds fine, well-produced even. I hear the nod to the first and second half of the 2000´s.Produced originally approx 20 years ago. Completely reworked in 2019 and Solarstone picked it up and released on Pure Trance.
So. Some selfpromotion, don't shoot, give feedback instead.
I think theres a couple things which turns this into something that is quite solid but unfortunly still leans towards being more "generic" or "basic" or just purely "unintersting" musically.
The first thing that I would critique is this one thing that gets me a little bit annoyed - Why try to sound oldschool but at the same time sound modern? Its quite a oxymoron imo. Especially with that snare/clap that does sound quite like an oldschool noisey/lofi clap but its the polished up alot, and the other elements are all very clean and polished. Well, that bothers me and I really dont think sounding modern but still sounding oldscool works. I honestly think most modern trance that use similar samples that replicate oldschool equipment sounds wrong/contradictory in nature.
The secocd thing that bothers me is the rhythm patterns of the percusssions especially the really sub-bassy kick which reminding me of more recent say Enhanced/Anjuna mid 2010 productions, especially how the hats (which are superclean) works with the kick and how they are almost on beat with it. That feels like another thing that goes against it sounding "oldschool", but maybe that wasnt even your intent, who knows?
Third thing is that it all comes out a bit too........ robotic to me, the rhythms+melodies have a really robotic feel, doesnt it? The whole arrangemnt and structure of the track really. I mean its hard to explain with the right terminology. You have to just listen to it. And I guess that leads to my final critique of the melody that feels kinda just unintersting and has a really robotic kind of static rhythm to it. Theres really nothing in the mix that stands out for me, its all a bit too "textbook" modern production tutorial written over it.
I dont think theres anything to critique with the production itself. It sounds as good as it gets really I guess. Im just pointing out what I feel are the musical Inconsistencies here. Focus more on the musical ideas raher than the production.
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