Problem with Automation and everything bring perfect



It looses its human elememts to think and judge different and you basically let a computer do all of your work for you. Thats what I think a smart phone is there for everyone becoming zombies.

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Jul 17, 2020
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This is almost a good fit for the how we used to live thread i reccon.

but yes.. a smartphone/automation is definitly there to "improve life" (and yes i'm putting that in quotes) and to a degree make things more streamlined/perfect. I see it as almost a trans-human development to a degree in how you and your personality are intricidly linked to the device's features. Everything from heatlh apps, increased streamlined communication, positioning and route optimization, enhanced memory function etc.

and also yes It does seem to turn people into zombies. Or at the very least encourages rude/anti social behavior to a degree. I think this is partly due to its rapid development. I think we've all been in that scenario where, after the conversation with your mates or collegues stalls for 5 seconds, someone (or all) instinctly grabs their phone for reasons.

I see automation not as an end goal but more as a tool, much like a shovel. and like most tools, its also basically just another thing for us humans to do (the same) stupid things with, only more sophisticated.

I mean if you where to travel back in time and show Sir Isaac Newton or Einstein that you and the rest of humanity now carry an electrically powered Super Calculator using quantum mechanics on multible levels, twice the computing power of the machines used to send people to the moon, in the pocket. +

And he (they) would ask you:

"Blimey! Thats (or zat is) Amazing! what do you use it for?"

you would probably honestly have to answer "arguing, aswell as watching cat video's and pornography" ;)
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Improve in what ways though? Nothing is perfect, sure you have straight, cut things but personally to me I prefer something that's hand made rather than something that's super polished. I prefer the imperfections it has a longer shelf value rather than something that's got everything perfect. We can hear that with modern day productions, most of the tracks have very little shelf life because it's all made through plugins and bought samples from a DAW.


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Jul 13, 2020
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Automation is quite literally why I'm employed.
Someone has to make sure the systems work as intended :p


Automation is quite literally why I'm employed.
Someone has to make sure the systems work as intended :p
True, but the way I see it that most computers are designed to keep people hook to the computer. Your job won't exist that long it will be taken over by a computer especially when quantum computing comes into full effect.
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Jul 13, 2020
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True, but the way I see it that most computers are designed to keep people hook to the computer.
Yeah, I think that's beyong the scope of a discussion about automation.
Your job won't exist that long it will be taken over by a computer especially when quantum computing comes into full effect.
Read this and you'll quickly see why this isn't the kind of work you can just automate away, no matter how powerful your computers are.


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Improve in what ways though? Nothing is perfect, sure you have straight, cut things but personally to me I prefer something that's hand made rather than something that's super polished. I prefer the imperfections it has a longer shelf value rather than something that's got everything perfect. We can hear that with modern day productions, most of the tracks have very little shelf life because it's all made through plugins and bought samples from a DAW.
I agree, but to be devils advocate here.

Isn't that also precisely the argument put forth by "EDM/trance haters" who argue that, because its all electronic, the music has no "soul" as opposed to say, A singer songwriter with a guitar?

To which I would couner as a devils advocate of the devils advocate, non of modern country tracks by the same token have that aforemention shelf-life that a track like say.. "jolene" has.

I would conclude that its not so much the instrumentation (DAW or guitar) that is de dealbreaker here,


- oversaturation vs exclusivity.
- easy accesiblity as opposed to you having to put the efford in to get/buy the product.
- the fact that older tracks simply have had a longer timeframe then their counterparts in terms of impact.

aswell as the fact that there is, by all intents and purposes, no real product, full stop. something you can own, hold, cherish and put on a book shelve if you will.

an mp3, though it has other benefits (such as very low presence in the domain of the entropic) doesn't have the same value as a vinyl or cd.



Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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I guess this thread is where AI discussion could go?
It's crazy how good AI is getting at creating realistic-looking fake images of real people.


The one on the right looks eerily close to a famous Korean celebrity, so while watching the video I had to do a double-take to check that it wasn't actually her.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I find it difficult to form a coherent opinion on the matter..

on the one hand, humanity is riddled with examples of " this tech is going to doom us all" scenario's (printing press, industrialisation of agricultural labour, cars, computers/video games, nuclear etc.)

yet on the other hand, AI has, as a concept such a god-like potential with its exponetial growth, that this might very well be the exception in the rule that usually, and without too much corpses, integrates a technological advancement in humanity over time..
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