The track that reveals you are a noob is "here if you need me".

What you hear in alot of bedroom producers stuff is that they cant tweak or eq or even choose the "right" synths to fit in with the rest of the mix imo. Its either a weak synth, too low in volume, or one that doesnt work or fit in well with the rest of the sounds.
The others are good for what they are productionswise just not that interesting in terms of structure or arrangement. Flashback is the one i would say sounds most "right" or solid of the bunch in terms of how everything sounds together, but maybe that one is also the most straight forward.
Have you listened to Guardians of the Earth? They are my fav "bedroom/web/oldschool" producer from the era. Some of the melodies/overall mood remind a little of them. Thats a compliment
What I like in most of my trance is a "multidimensional" approach, with lots of different rhythms/meters interacting with eachother. Not only in the drums but in the melodies aswell. This is to get away from or mask the obvious thumpthump 4x4 sound that goes through most trance tracks. Maybe you have heard this one but I think this guy mastered this so well. He also elevates it to another level in terms of developement, which i think your tracks kinda lack.
Check these two tracks. I think both does the style so well. Choosing the right bpm, drum fills and interesting rhythms/meters are crucial for trance to be interesting as music and not only nail the production,sound of a certain style.