Second Nature - Longing For The Infinite EP


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I cant help but like some of the sounds you use, even though it can sound a bit basic in type of sound used and how you choose to execute it. This one definitely has that carefree cheese vibe to it, but when combined with the chunkier bass/kick/hats I don't mind it at all. This one is probably my least favourite but I didnt skip any and enjoyed it for what it was.

My crit would be still lacking a kind of flow or soaring emotion that connects sections together into a collective whole. The melodies feel a bit amateur because of how simple they are, but that might be a taste thing from me. Would love to you you try something more complex with the emotion next time. Look forward to your next release!
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Oct 27, 2020
148 Posts
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I cant help but like some of the sounds you use, even though it can sound a bit basic in type of sound used and how you choose to execute it. This one definitely has that carefree cheese vibe to it, but when combined with the chunkier bass/kick/hats I don't mind it at all. This one is probably my least favourite but I didnt skip any and enjoyed it for what it was.

My crit would be still lacking a kind of flow or soaring emotion that connects sections together into a collective whole. The melodies feel a bit amateur because of how simple they are, but that might be a taste thing from me. Would love to you you try something more complex with the emotion next time. Look forward to your next release!
Thanks for the feedback.

A lot of comments said the same as well with my other tracks, about the melodies being too basic or amateur, and while I can understand that in some sense, I find a lot of beauty in simplicity, and don't believe that good trance music needs to be overtly complex or really technical to hit the mark. It totally can be, but I don't believe that is what captures the essence of trance music.

I appreciate you enjoying it for what it is. Though it wasn't filled with emotion for you, it definitely was for me. I truly love the melody and it has that old school vibe. That critique is definitely a matter of taste...while I was making this track, it was fun, in the moment, and it gave me the trance nostalgia I craved from my young raver days. I will admit that I often just get straight to the point rather than take people on a journey, which is not everyone's cup of tea. It's something I do need to work on as an artist.


Lost in Trancelation
Jul 13, 2020
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I like the last track, I do. For what it is. I might write some opinions on it later, we'll see.

I think you get this more "hard critique" here becuase all of the posters are "experienced" longtime listeners (Magnevi producing himself), have that in mind. Your tracks are fine, but you should take in the critique aswell, if you want to really try to elevate your track. But ofc thats up to you.


Oct 27, 2020
148 Posts
107 Thanked
I like the last track, I do. For what it is. I might write some opinions on it later, we'll see.

I think you get this more "hard critique" here becuase all of the posters are "experienced" longtime listeners (Magnevi producing himself), have that in mind. Your tracks are fine, but you should take in the critique aswell, if you want to really try to elevate your track. But ofc thats up to you.
Yeah, I get that. I'd like to think I'm "experienced" as well, though it's always quite refreshing and humbling when I go here because I always learn something new and get a different perspective. This EP and the EP before it were made all in the same time, so I just wasn't able to incorporate those critiques into this recent release.

I do value what everyone is saying because you guys have been listening and producing trance for many years. Believe me, these forum posts are my public notes when I make more tracks in the future. I'll be going back to them constantly for reference. I'd so much rather get your honest opinion that's meaningful than all that "always positive" fluff nonsense!
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Senior Member
Feb 24, 2021
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These are so cool dude. Seriously. Never Forget and Map Point are so old European at heart and I love it. Hard Trance feeling in a way, without that explosiveness.
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Oct 27, 2020
148 Posts
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These are so cool dude. Seriously. Never Forget and Map Point are so old European at heart and I love it. Hard Trance feeling in a way, without that explosiveness.
My older brother and I would listen to this kind of music when we were kids, and I always loved the style. He referred to it as "Frankfurt Beat," and researching it now, I saw that it's a Hard Trance label from the 90's that have a lot of the same sounds and style. I'm still a raver at heart, haha, so I wanted to keep it alive. Labels like Bonzai, Fog Area, Trance Chip, and Red Alert are some of my favorite labels from back in the day which has this kind of vibe.

Thanks for listening✌️
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2020
148 Posts
107 Thanked
Been enjoying these again recently. Any more new stuff to share from you @SecondNature?
Hey @Hensmon,

Glad you're still enjoying them! Hope you're doing well. I haven't had the inspiration to make music lately, so I've just been taking a break. I do have plans to produce more in the future, so when that time comes, I'll be sure to share more tracks with you all!
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