It still sounds like pseudoscience to me. They haven't actually proven anything, they haven't even tried. I see no actual numbers or data that would back up their claims. All there is to it is some theory, and half-quotes from some scientists. And they are clearly biased, because belief in God or a higher being is necessary to even come up with the theory itself (and to believe in it without scientific proof). None of that is science. It's belief.
I have a feeling they treated it like lotto. What's the probability that 3, 15, 26, 32, 39, 41 and 43 are going to be drawn? Same as the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Is there a reason behind that or is it coincidental? If calculated as such, it does absolutely nothing. And maybe one event happening increases the probability of another one which was necessary for this.
Second of all, physics was not something that was made with the big bang. It is something with which we try to understand and describe the laws behind the things we see in nature. And it's not definitive. Same as with statistics. You only see this through statistics and probability because it was represented to you that way. The universe just works and we try to understand it.
I agree, the probability for this to have happened is very low, but I believe it's a wrong way of looking at it, in this specific instance. It's much more complicated than that.
Plus, what of a million required things needs to happen for there to be a designer, a higher being behind all of this? What's the probability of all those things happening?