The podcast Thread


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I can't recommend the Art of Manliness podcast enough. It, like their website, sounds pretty cheap and toxic. I found out about it when I wanted to learn how to shave with a straight razor, but stayed for the wonderful insight, self-improvement and learning about history. It's fantastic. I don't listen to every episode, but theirs is almost the only podcast I listen to.
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Senior Member
Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK
'Last Podcast On The Left' has been my go-to for a while.
The series they did on Rasputin was amazing.

Also big reccommend for Dan Carlin's Hard Core History as well, even if he only puts like 1 per year out these days.
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Ive watched until where he said. “Im not supposed to be here” - when he was in love island having created himself as a party boy and night life creator. That’s awesome. Truly awesome. I’m guessing its when he had one of those revelation moments and realised who he ‘wasn’t’

Ive thought for years, sometimes we have to go through something we are not, to put us straight, in order to get closer to discovering who we are.

Ok, like many, because im a bit of a wanker, im going to skip to the section on mastubation. 😂. I expect him to say if you do it too much it drains your energy ultimately, which sometimes it i think can. ( sometimes it makes you less tired in my opinion too)

- ok, im totally wrong. He said something really spot on. Feeling something is dirty but doing it because theres a need makes you feel ashamed. Cool. So it re affirms a common psychology that youl end up feeling a particular way depending on your belief about it. This is good because you can change (with education) the way you feel or believe about anything if you can step out of the influence other peoples opinions have or have had on you. - But, we all know this can be incredibly hard.

I must say im surprised he said most sex isn’t casual sex. Kinda lifts my opinion of humans, which is generally quite low unfortunately due to too many people’s lack of compassion and hell bent selfishness.
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Senior Member
Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK
Dan Carlin for Hardcore History for those interested in History.

I mentioned that one above - you have to wait a long time for episodes, but they are worth it.

His 6 episode 'Blueprint for Armageddon' series on World War I is probably my favorite series of podcasts of all time.
The episode on Verdun especially was incredible.

Sadly, it's not available as a free stream any more as he only leaves them on line for a few years, but they are available on his website for $15 if anyone is interested: