Trancefix Bugs - Put them here!


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,553 Posts
3,174 Thanked
We've been making quite a few changes recently; This year we've had new banners, new voting system, new article formats and landing page, plus some other UI changes and all this stuff is likely to break stuff on the site. It is really useful to us to let us know here if you come across something broken or looking a bit wonky so we can fix it.

No matter how small, please post here, in writing or with a screenshot, any that you find. Desktop and mobile.

We are aware of some current bugs already and will fix them soon. Thanks


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2020
315 Posts
275 Thanked
The first of the two things is not really a bug, rather a small visual nitpick: the [OUT] tag in the main area and the 'Latest posts' sidebar seems to be a smidge too close to the title:



Shows up just fine in Search though (admittedly it's a larger font but still):


I know it's been removed as a feature for future posts, but for existing ones I thought it's still worth pointing out.

The second is more of a feature suggestion. Not sure if it warrants its own thread in the feedback section, or if there's a separate suggestions-dedicated thread (would this also act as one?), however:

In the 'Your content' section, can some separation be added between started threads and threads that folks have commented on? It'd make stuff a bit easier to find. Akin to the the tabs at the top of 'News feed'.


Your content, currently. Well, rather, my conte- you get the idea

For example, threads started could be one tab, and the other could contain threads you've replied to. If you have multiple replies in one thread, those would show up underneath the title of the thread, kind of like this very accurate representation:


Hopefully the formatting doesn't get all screwy and the point gets across.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
1,135 Posts
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I'm on mobile. The breadcrumbs on top of page is not working inside a thread. But the bottom one works fine.
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Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
1,856 Posts
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There's no "edit" button anymore in private conversations. Would like that back.

Edit: There is now. Did you change anything? :)
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Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
2,494 Posts
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Sometimes when I try to load this website I have to come back in a few hours before I can get access to the website.


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2020
315 Posts
275 Thanked
This one's also visual, specifically in regards to the alignment of that conversation info widget on the right, for DMs:


I'll illustrate the point with another mockup. I've added the design lines for uh...authenticity:

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Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
1,856 Posts
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Edit time for private messages seems to be 5 minutes now. Is there a reason for this?

I use it a lot, to avoid having to send multiple messages :)


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,553 Posts
3,174 Thanked
I've added the design lines for uh...authenticity:

hahah yh I should be building the entire site with the golden ratio tbh. Thanks for calling these small details out. At some point I collect all this stuff and we'll fix it in one big go!
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Jul 14, 2020
214 Posts
173 Thanked
Where is the Watch button, so I can take notifications of new replies in one thread, even if I haven't replied?


Jul 14, 2020
214 Posts
173 Thanked
Ah sorry. Being an admin and all, I sometimes forget about the problems plebs face every day in this place.
lmao, it's okay. Btw me as a pleb I have probably more years as a staff and Admin on a Xenforo community than you if you started just in 2020 :LOL: , plus more years with gazzele etc.

@Hensmon yeah it may something with permissions for Regular member.

Take care. o/
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Jul 14, 2020
214 Posts
173 Thanked
Just to remind you guys to enable the feature for us again. Since I don't pay much attention around, I usually watch a thread of a track I like with future release date and I know someone will reply again when the release date is here or nearby.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,553 Posts
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Hey @Tievb21 i think something got broke in a UI update we made, as opposed to a simple setting I changed. Working on it, but may take some days still as traveling at the moment.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,160 Posts
3,027 Thanked
I can't seem to embed Twitter/X posts anymore using the insert media option.
I get this error message:
That's a feature.

In all honesty though, could be X changed something and our forum or plugin might be outdated.
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