What's on your mind today?

Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
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Well... this plain was shot by Russia. So it's not really a malfunction or anything.

Speaking of Russia. Fear for them in the upcoming days/weeks might be justified as well... It will be (for lack of a better word) interesting to see how Putin handles the losses of the last couple of weeks.

Hopefully they will simply withdraw from Ukraine, likely with the statement "We have reached all of our goals in this special military operation.".
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Well... this plain was shot by Russia. So it's not really a malfunction or anything.

Speaking of Russia. Fear for them in the upcoming days/weeks might be justified as well... It will be (for lack of a better word) interesting to see how Putin handles the losses of the last couple of weeks.

Hopefully they will simply withdraw from Ukraine, likely with the statement "We have reached all of our goals in this special military operation.".
I would assume that Russia is looking for a way out (without losing all territorial gains), however the Ukrainians are encouraged by their counterattacks and I doubt that they will want to stop until either a prolonged stalemate is reached, or they push the Russian army out completely.

That said, to fully regain control over its country, they do need to take care of Donetsk and Lugansk and their separation.

I fear this will last at least another year, especially now that fall and winter are coming, and it will become increasingly more difficult to have any territorial gains by either army. It suits Russia to prolong this war in a way that it will keep Ukraine from joining EU and NATO (because of the unresolved border disputes). It's a complicated thing, this war, and maybe besides the big players here, I don't see anyone benefiting from it. Let's just hope it doesn't escalate any further and the rest of the world decides not to follow the trend.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Well... this plane was shot by Russia. So it's not really a malfunction or anything.
technically it was pro Russian ukranians/ seperatist based in donesk/luhansk, a detail often overlooked.

Speaking of Russia. Fear for them in the upcoming days/weeks might be justified as well... It will be (for lack of a better word) interesting to see how Putin handles the losses of the last couple of weeks.

Hopefully they will simply withdraw from Ukraine, likely with the statement "We have reached all of our goals in this special military operation.".
I guess its time for....

Jetflag's tactical analysis *cracks fingers. Caveat: this is how I see things, not how I'd like to see them.

I don't think Putin is as bothered by this as the west likes to dream up. Sure, its not a pretty look but by far any reason to pull out the nukes or gas can's. Had it been he would have officially declared war right now, (Strikes and missiles have occurred on internationally recognized Russian soil) and mobilized millions of troops to take care of "his embarrassment"

He has however, not.

At best he has gone shopping here and there to replenish the losses. and reasons for that are basically he still has what he wants.

- near full coastal control of Ukraine's (trade) harbors, exception being Odessa, but that one is severely compromised by Sea mines from both sides:
- near full control of the Luhansk/Donesk region. Two provinces who'll probably join the Russian federation in the coming months, and have been fighting a successful rebellion against the Ukrainian government for years now.
- A large land bridge between russia and crimea with still most of its vital infrastructure intact.

with this he, and this is important,

- has full control of Most of Ukraine's large natural gas fields. (who're centered largely around said occupied areas)
- has Ukraine in a position where it can't join NATO, seen as its in militairy conflict with another country.

Zelenski has been doing an amazing job on the moral side and international front where he's been able to steadily secure more and better weapons, Part courtisy of his background in media. These, however, will run out sooner then later. The threat of a Taiwan conflict is looming for the US, The market is on Putin's side in terms of economy and with the Russian Winter on the doorstep its safe to say that time is on Putin's side.

All he has to do is hold the line in the aforementioned provinces.
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Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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My medicare details, passport, driver license, DOB, address and Mobile and credit card details have been breached to the public. There have been over 10 million customers.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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My medicare details, passport, driver license, DOB, address and Mobile and credit card details have been breached to the public. There have been over 10 million customers.
You might want to freeze your credit, if that's an option in Australia


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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My medicare details, passport, driver license, DOB, address and Mobile and credit card details have been breached to the public. There have been over 10 million customers.
thats awefull man. how?


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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terrible, so whats the plan of action (aside from freezing your credit)


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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terrible, so whats the plan of action (aside from freezing your credit)
Changing my medicare, passport number and driver license. Apparently, the Government wants optus (who is the company in breach) to foot the bill.

Slater & Gordon who is the lawyer company wants to lodge a class action against them as well. So I might involve myself in that.

I have had a win for my privacy breach earlier this year for $1000 against the largest crediting agency which was an outside of court settlement.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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My roof is leaking after solarpanels where installed and its going to rain for 4 days on end. 😤
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Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Virginia, actually!
The US is a strange place you have hurricanes at the bottom, tornadoes in the middle and east and west and earthquakes where california. Deserts where texas and Las Vegas is and hot weather towards the top. The only rainforest you guys have are the California ones. Then you have the moist air in florida
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Elite Member
Sep 26, 2020
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Lat me join you in celebrating the misery of life. My rent is up from this month. Congratulations to all the winners


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