Will Atkinson - Numb the Pain [2015]

Will Atkinson
Release title
Numb the Pain
Label name
Release year


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2022
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Surprised to see this hasn't been posted here before. Obviously one of the best tracks from the '10s. Been a fav for a while, you can really tell Willy took his time on this one. Even the intro has all sorts of neat elements. Will is a master are using old tracks for inspiration, notably Strange World in this one, though I hear other tracks throughout this one (though my brain can't identify them). Even though he's gone a different direction with his recent stuff, his livesets are bonkers fun. Curious to see what others think about this track, especially considering it's never been posted here (or my searching skills suck).


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,560 Posts
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I remember it being popular on the old forum when it got posted. I always really liked it and thought Will at this time was one of the most exciting producers in the uplfiting/tech space. Think he had some other good releases around this time too. Not really into his wonky stuff that he does today. Hope he goes back to more serious stuff at some point


Dec 24, 2022
246 Posts
275 Thanked
True definition of a modern trance classic. Heard this live twice (from Bryan Kearney, then John O'Callaghan) and I danced my ass off both times. It's powerful, emotional, uplifting, melancholic, dark, moody.....just everything a good rave-y trance track should be. I even made my own edit with the same vocal sample as Auranaut's "People Want to Be Needed" over the breakdown, and I can't wait to play it live myself one day. Also have a plan for a chilled remix of this at one point.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,166 Posts
3,034 Thanked
seriously, these posts are worse than a negativ rant, should be a minimum of x amount of letters if you want to post.

why bother even writing anything if you're just gonna say that you like it or its nice or a very short sentence with nothing of substance or meaning ?? i dont get the motivation to gointo a thread and write " i like it, its decent, its nice, not my cup etc etc"... a thumbs up is more than enough for that if you're just gonna state your positio/support if you like it or not