
  1. TheTranceHistorian

    Non-trance tunes embraced by the trance community featuring some trance elements

    Here are some incredible tunes from the early 90s that have the trance tag on Discogs, feature some trance elements, and are often embraced by the trance community, but are not actual trance records. Can you name more? Life Form - Come Down (Hypnotic June 7 Mix by 2trancecentral YouTuber)...
  2. Tievb21

    VA - Tunes of Light, Vol. 1 [Tunes Of Light]

    Get ready to immerse yourself in a musical experience. Tunes Of Light is proud to present its first ever VA, an exciting compilation that seamlessly blends the magical vibes of 90's old school trance with a modern twist that's sure to get you grooving. Imagine the timeless beats that defined the...
  3. Archon

    OUT Reflex Blue - Positive Nature LP [Whitvoir]

    Just took a listen to this one today while driving...absolutely loved it!!! One of the albums of the year, currently sharing the #1 spot with Electronic Arts by Sleep D. Wonderful ode to the 90s. All tracks are awesome, but I'll rank my favourites: 4. Overview Effect 3. Paradigm Shift 2...
  4. Electronlyman

    OUT Rom Di Prisco - Spacetime Re-Calculation (Remix Album) [Bandcamp Release]

    Spacetime Re-calculation is a remix album combining modern production and mixing with the classic Rom Di Prisco sound of the 90s. It's a celebration of the past and future of electronic music while staying true to its roots. If you enjoy Rom's work from the Unreal Tournament, Need for Speed, or...