2020, In Review


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
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So, what has 2020 been like for y'all? All is accepted, from fire 2020 memes to long in-depth posts about personal experiences, good or bad.

What has happened to you in 2020, and what's your view of the entire year?

Here's also the music equivalent of the thread: What has 2020 been like for you, musically?

Love Nation

Jul 15, 2020
241 Posts
154 Thanked
For me it was the best year since a very long time. The special atmosphere inspired me to go serious with music finally, since im doing it all my life. Got into a famous open air crew as dj and have some opportunities to release as producer. Also got a new life attitude and closed a chapter. A new life started, 4.0. And this time its the target line

Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
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An aweful year. A complete waste of a whole year of your life. I'm in a good position though, so I don't want to whine too much. I have a steady income, work that I actually enjoy most of the time, so yeah, I shouldn't complain. Many people have had a worse year.

The positive side is... this year I really have been saving a lot of money. So, good to spend again when the world is set 'free' again next year.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Ha the year went a bit downhill for me.

Started out strong. Was really productive, physically in very good shape, and then in March the shit hit the fan of course.

Moved back with my parents for the time being - and while it lasted 2-3 full months, it felt like 6. But still, I kept being productive, working on my college projects (and finishing a whopping 4 of them), working in my back yard and garden a lot. Generally, I was good up until July.

And then, when I had some time to catch my breath, to rest, I went ahead to 100% laziness. So the 2nd half of the year for me was quite bad in that regard. In social terms, I hung out with people a lot more, so that's better, but I should be more productive without doubt. Watching a lot of games (football, American football mostly), movies, series etc., literally doing nothing significant with my life. Once you get out of the rhythm, it's hard to go back to it.

But I'm trying to save the year now. Got a project that I'm doing for some money, got a couple of projects for college with due dates and all, and I'm pushing it now. Need to get better, will get better. I'm still not back in full force, but I'm getting there, and I'm actually loving the fact that I'm up to my neck in this shit and have to work hard.

I've also rejoined a gym and, in a week, it literally lifted me up from the general state of silent depression. Unfortunately, they closed it down but I'm looking forward to rejoining it again once it reopens.

Love life 0.

But actually, the highlight might have been the new TranceFix! Even though I kind of take it for granted every day I check and see what's new, I actually can't believe we did this! Had the privilege of working with 3 great dudes, and the support we got from you guys was incredible and we couldn't have done it without you.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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West Yorkshire,England
Very mixed for me - obviously a terrible year regarding covid,with the deaths,the sporting events cancelled,no clubbing all year....BUT i will remember it for Leeds Utd FINALLY getting promoted back to the Premier League after 16 very long years....i visited Poland for the very first time in January,which was special regarding my surname and family heritage....and also my listener figures for my music went through the roof - which ironically was caused by all the worldwide lockdowns.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Ha the year went a bit downhill for me.

Started out strong. Was really productive, physically in very good shape, and then in March the shit hit the fan of course.

Moved back with my parents for the time being - and while it lasted 2-3 full months, it felt like 6. But still, I kept being productive, working on my college projects (and finishing a whopping 4 of them), working in my back yard and garden a lot. Generally, I was good up until July.
Same experience as yours up until March. I was ready to hit up the gym and research hard and have fun with my graduating class. I was finally taking classes that interested me. Then, COVID happened. Immediately had an interview cancelled, and another round of interviews for a different company switched formats to remote, so I bombed it.
Started watching tons of TV when I moved back home. Graduated without anything lined up. Registered for a few summer classes and dropped half of them. Did nothing productive from mid-August to mid-October apart from attending my school's career fair in September. Enrolled in a programming course from an IT company, then ditched it because I realized that's not what I wanted to do and I preferred going to graduate school. Submitted a few apps for that and got into a PhD program.
In the weirdest turn of events, found a remote job that will let me start my career, so graduate school is not going to happen for now. Also re-started studying quantum chemistry because it's interesting and used in the research I did as an undergrad, but I never took a formal class on it.
For me, 2020 has been a year of failures up until this month. I am looking to turn those failures around in 2021!
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Jul 24, 2020
155 Posts
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My year 2020 was a big pile of sh*t!!
I only did 2 things of my plans for this year.... I went to a meeting for my work and ofcourse I did ASOT in Utrecht.
But after that it all went downhill thanks to we all know what.

My annual trip to Italy was cancelled.
The Formula 1 in Zandvoort was cancelled.
Armin in Amsterdam was cancelled.
In July we finally had the chance to go racing again on the racetrack in Zandvoort.... So it went a bit better.
But at the end of September it got clear that the rest of 2020 would go downhill again.
As the rest of the racing season got cancelled.
Then the restaurants closed their doors again in the Netherlands.
And now my job is also closed due to covid! Thankfully we also have an online shop, but our national post service can't handle the millions of packages now obviously

And thanks to the fact that I don't believe everything that our governments are telling us about Covid makes it even worse for me!
As I think that 90% is fake!
And I am afraid that we will never go back to a normal world again.....


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Very good year for me.

I spent Jan to March in Mexico finishing a 14 month backpacking trip which was great, then flew home the weekend Corona really intensified and got to spend 5 months living at my families house and town where I grew up, seeing everyone after so long. It was the best spring weather I can ever remember in the UK and I spent almost every day walking in the beautiful countryside, forests and canals.

Then 4 months living in London back with my old housemate, seeing all my friends. OK we couldn't really go out as much as usual, but when lockdowns were off we walked and partied and it was great.

I also managed to get promotion in my career and working from home 5 days a week is something I absolutely love. I will try and be remote working for a long time now.

And then finally I moved to America, which has been my dream for years. I feels so good to be here and now with the whole country to explore and the optimism of starting a new kind of life.

Wasnt all great though. Family and friend issues really puts a lot of stress, anxiety and deep worry for me. Also the situation with covid and how its fucking people really gets me down too. I also have been moving place to place for 2+ years now, never with my own home, feeling unsettled to the point of frustration and anguish, it was wierd. Overall though I am very lucky, which I try to remind myself as much as I can.


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2020
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Awful year, despite the only positive moment when I got my driving license few days ago and few trance events in Poland in January-March.

Overall, I'm still officially unemployed since the end of February 2020, working at a shitty low-paid call-centre (which is actually the worse job that I've had before - the thing is it's very hard to find a nice profitable job here without any "connections" which I don't really have as I'm too introverted), I'm still single (for 2.5 years now, luckily I have a cat which calms me down with it's purring), living in a poorest country in Europe where there were absolutely no proper trance events even without the corona lockdowns and where is no hope for future good life (even with a higher education, which doesn't mean anything here).

And in order to get out of the undeveloped country I need to have a EU passport - the access to EU is closed for us as the overall mentality of people from my country is pretty far from the European (that's not strange, considering: 1. this country is post-soviet; 2. it suffers from the attacks of the neighbour country and is financially unstable; 3. people have chosen a comicman as a president; 4. the corruption in this country is perceived is a normal thing).

Maybe if I was some cool IT developer or if I would change my sex and get married to some foreign man on a dating website, I would have a chance to get out of here, otherwise I'm doomed to stay in this country and receive the lowest possible salary and just save my money for Luminosity Beach Festival once in a year, where I can truly escape and feel myself like "a fish in the sea".

Hope the things would change next year.


New Member
Oct 29, 2020
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I just posted a "comedy" video on my YouTube channel about 2020 and the Pandemic. I would really love to post it here and see what you guys think of it if you don't mind.



Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I'll probably look back on 2020 as a very good year actually.

- Realized 2 project for my own architectural company
- managed to get my depression (sort of) under control and gained valuable insight into my own psyche.
- managed to stick my pushloop (a booya)
- got to see the rebirth of trancefix by its community
- got married
- had my first child. (highlight)
- picked up producing trance again as the defacto new rank-1 act with an as of yet undisclosed team-mate
- my wife got a permanent contract and, thanks to covid, can work full time from home, which she loves because she can take care of the baby, whilst defacto out earning me.
- had the least amount of traffic jams in all of my carreer.

so, I infact hope for the lot of you that you might experience 2021 as i've experienced 2020. :)


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
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Loved your responses in here guys. Lots of the good, the bad and the balanced. Don't think the next year will be better objectively, but once this shit has been dealt with (which may not happen until 2022), we'll at least feel a bit better for it.

I wonder, how did people manage the huge pandemics before, the plague, the big wars...
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