This is what he wrote under one of my posts about his unreleased track in 2019.
It could explain a little, why he doesn't quite like to come back to playing stuff from the past.
"My Dear Friends, first of all, my very best wishes once again for 2020. May it be rich in good things happening to you. I would like to address this concern that you have about the unreleased tracks, the decisions I made and which I fully stand behind. The track in question was made in 2015 with Ferry Tayle and is one I played every now and then because it is indeed a track that was suitable for trance oriented sets and because I found it just great for that time and suitable above all. The reason why it never got released is something completely different and it is by no means part of the album. The reason why we flushed another dozen tracks in one pass is because in 2017, showing severe signs of emotional exhaustion due to the state of the circuit I was into, getting this music out was actually revealing toxic to my mental health due to all consequences. I understand that many people got shocked by hearing this information. It was a general feel I had towards the Trance scene in its entirety as I felt I was moving towards a genre/scene that wasn't reflecting my personal taste and that was too restrictive in terms of innovation and changes. The idea of even listening to some of these tracks today is also linked to very very bad memories of that period. It's all very personal matters but what you need to know is that I felt like moving away from my personal goals and by releasing music I wasn't fully supporting, I'd be lying to myself, and even worse, to the all of you. There's not enough musicality in this genre called Trance nowadays imo, and despite my efforts to change the course of things between 2012 and 2017, =I was hitting a wall of misunderstanding and ignorance by the majority of the trance fans and the business people, who would see this as a second class type of art, leaving me a very bad self esteem, and a complete loss of self confidence after 5 years trying to follow my heart only. Worse, I was being asked by some people around to make music I was horrified to even hear. When my gf and I met, she was literally taking the pieces of my self esteem together like a broken vase on the floor. Because of the way the Trance scene is now going. Sometimes when an entire group of people deciding of your future is indirectly working against your goals and ambitions as a musician, you have to do something about it. This is why I want to distance myself from the actual trance scene, but I WILL NEVER turn my back on my past and some of the music that I made. It's just that even that doesn't find its space in a scene that's become to tiny for ambitions. I call it my music, reflection of my heart and soul and something I stand fully behind. If it doesn't suit a scene, well, I can let go of it, I'm not even gutted, I'm just being grateful for whoever supports my music old or new in 2020. I'll always fully support all the things I have done and released. I hope it made it clear for you now. I'm very thankful for all the love we got in 2019 and I'm finally feeling like I can spread the wings of my art entirely. I hope I can rely on some people's support with the stuff I'm making right now, but it should never be a necessity to get majority support to survive. That my friends, is called politics, which I cannot stand behind at all. Thank you so much for being there, hoping that you will understand and will be happy with my future music. Sending love to you all."