Conservative or liberal (politics)


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Jul 13, 2020
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So: Back home and seen as Daddy Rispin has vacation, this is going to be one of those good o’ jetflag monologue essays from 2 pages long :geek:… So strap in tight and loosen your poop-exists, because I’m going in unlubed. I've been annoyed by how jan 6th has been portrait every since it happened (both by the reps and the dems) and seen as it was brought up I thought this made for a nice Trancefix bedroom-politics shit article.

After this pedantic “explanation” on my jan 6th position, I’m going to first and foremost post some memes because my god some are just beautiful, and I think we’re all over the shock now a bit, and may or may not respond to anyone dissecting this with a massive dissection of my own just to annoy @Hensmon and @Archon Ready? K. Here we go

So. First of all, disavow Jan 6th,

The following view of mine/ explanation has nothing to do with me supporting rioting behavior or acts of vandalism and violence, just to get that out of the way. This is simply how I see Jan 6th as a historic event, and why I think it has being blow up out of proportions for political gain by blue US media, who I think are wielding a massive double standard. (not saying Red doesn’t also by the way, but where talking about this now so..)

And it basically boils down to three things (and by the way before you go @dmgtz96, No, I didn’t get this from some right wing propaganda site, I don’t read those, These are my thoughts and mine alone based on my realpolitik view of the world and on the events and what happened before that.)

1 (deliberate) mislabeling,

A Protest is basically (loudly) saying you’re or yours against something. A Riot is (mob) violence, often against other people’s (private) property. A Rebellion is an uprising against the sitting government. An Insurrection is an armed rebellion against said sitting government. And a Revolt is an insurrection to replace the government.

The Capitol was not stormed by 2500 AR-15 and bazooka wielding militants who knew what they were doing. The capital was stormed (and in some cases willingly opened) with 0 strategy by an IRL YouTube Comments section of 70IQ morons, who were terrified where their country was going related to concerns about mail-in ballot voting, 700,000 votes from arizona stolen, "dominion machines" what have you, not going to go into that right now, point is they where worried.

And when they finally got there en-mass… didn’t take hostages, which they could have, didn’t shoot the police or torch the place down.. had chats with local security, “prayed” (no I’m not making that up) brought their beeping grandmothers in some cases…and for the most part stayed between the red lines shouting a bit and taking selfies.

Were where all the Gatlin machine guns, ghost rifles, handgrenates AR 15ns and what have you that I’ve seen being decried in this thread several times now?

Most if not all people attending the protest carrying had been thoroughly searched/passed through the detectors in the morning and either chose to stayed behind or leave their weapons behind.(some insurrectionist mentality there!) All in all there where two pipe bombs found, which nobody still knows how long they lay there or by whom it was planted. Could have been anyone given the turbulent year.. And a truck with half wo2 in it by an Alabaman 71 year cowboy pensioner, who never even set foot in the capitol. I actually came across an opinion piece from the WSJ of all newspapers you didn’t expect to find this, basically saying the same thing.

The counter argument to this is something in the range of “yes but a MAGA baseball bat or utility knife is a weapon too and some maybe had Glocks!” to which I’m not even going respond.. at best this was a riot with a rebellion tint and given the context I will later mention.. not that out of USA character.

2 organization (or lack thereof)

If the generals or key players in your so called insurrection keep ad nauseam reminding your “militia”, aside from the usual rhetoric to, and I quote:

- respect the law
- be peaceful and patriotic
- do not fight the police (that one was from beeping Alex Jones of all people!)
- No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order

Then, as someone who has personal field experience in “toppling the government/police force” (though admittedly in controlled exercises only), You’re doing it wrong.

An insurrection, especially a planned one, is all-in poker. You do not before the act rail your troops up with constant reminders of restrained behavior towards the local law enforcement.

3 Context/precedents set and consistency.

2020 was a year with civil unrest galore in the US (blm, antifa the Kavanaugh appointment protests etc.), combined resulted in around 1 till 2 billion in arson, looting and property damage, multible Us government buildings, monuments churches etc. stormed or burned down, aswell as 25 dead and countless lives destroyed. Yet pull up any NYT,WSJ or other journal and they’ll tell you with a straight face that “it was mostly peacefull”

The logic?

Well… if you count up all the events and see which category (peaceful, v riot, v arson, v violence etc.) is most represented, then yes, most of it was defacto peaceful. 🤷‍♀️ which yeah...if you follow that train of statistical thought...It was.

Ok then. But If that’s ^ the bloody rule?, (and we’re not going to be a bunch of absolute hypocrites here mind you..)

Then it isn’t in the slightest bit outrageous or an act of mischaracterizing Jan 6th as being similar in the end sum. Sure: there was 2.7 million in estimated damage, many injured, one shot dead, multible dead in 36 hours (though those include natural, drug overdose and/or heart attack) and 174 officers wounded. But given ALL the events that day and actions combined and divided by their sum, both in time and amount and seeing which category was most represented. It was defacto, mostly peacefull, and mostly tourism when the capital was breached. 🤷‍♀️

The tone/precedents in what was/is acceptable concerning protest against the government/ riots had been set.. You cannot have it both ways, and one rule for me one rule for thee. Equal monks, Equal hoods.

yes, The Maga crowd scared the absolute shit out of everyone and the whole world, and when people are scared (both red and blue) they do and say/claim stupid things…not gonna deny that.…which may or may not have been the intent even, dunno. But if If this was supposed to be an insurrection/revolt? then I’m a frogs uncle.
I'm wondering what happens if I just quote the entire comment. I really don't want to do section by section, lol.

We agree on the "insurrectionists" being basically a bunch of LARPers, yes.
If we go by the literal definition of insurrection: it's just a violent uprising against an authority or government. So, yes, Jan 6th qualifies as an insurrection. It doesn't matter if they didn't have big, fancy guns. According to the US DoJ, 123 people were charged with using a deadly weapon or causing serious bodily injury to the police officers. I would say that was pretty violent:

I'm not too surprised that the WSJ op Ed you linked to exists. WSJ, NYT, and other publications always platform more conservative views in their op eds. That specific article you linked was heavily criticized on Facebook, and multiple people wrote op eds to refute the claims from that article. The rebuttal articles were published a week later.

For point 2, Trump and his fanbase are just that dumb. Sure, a proper insurrection that actually topples the government would play out how you are saying, but we're also talking about Trump and 70 IQ morons. I'm quoting you here at this point. These idiots, riled up by Trump's speech, created a violent uprising against the US government.

[Edit: also, the attack was planned by the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers.]

For point 3, I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks the 2020 protests were "mostly peaceful." What *is* true is that they were definitely not uprisings against the government.
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Bobby Summa

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Brighton UK
I looked up those claims, since I was also curious about them. They are... mixed truth. Both of them were for beauty contestants (which Trump's org manages). The "Mexican-American boy" is technically true, but also misleading. It sounds like Trump personally paid for the boy's education, which isn't exactly what happened. It was more like Trump's organization. It's not known if Trump himself provided the funds that were then allocated to this specific boy, or if he just gave his foundation some amount, and this boy was one of the lucky to receive funds.

I see what your saying. Sometimes its hard to know.
Still nice and refreshing news about the mexican american boy even if through his organisation, given what the media portray about his attitude towards mexico.
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TranceFix Crew
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I'm wondering what happens if I just quote the entire comment. I really don't want to do section by section, lol.

We agree on the "insurrectionists" being basically a bunch of LARPers, yes.
If we go by the literal definition of insurrection: it's just a violent uprising against an authority or government. So, yes, Jan 6th qualifies as an insurrection. It doesn't matter if they didn't have big, fancy guns. According to the US DoJ, 123 people were charged with using a deadly weapon or causing serious bodily injury to the police officers. I would say that was pretty violent:

sure, but then by that definition: so was BLM , Antifa and the Kavanaugh storming of the supreme court.
🤷‍♂️ it was, on many occasions a violet uprising against authority (the police) or government (its institutions)

I'm not too surprised that the WSJ op Ed you linked to exists. WSJ, NYT, and other publications always platform more conservative views in their op eds. That specific article you linked was heavily criticized on Facebook, and multiple people wrote op eds to refute the claims from that article. The rebuttal articles were published a week later.

For point 2, Trump and his fanbase are just that dumb. Sure, a proper insurrection that actually topples the government would play out how you are saying, but we're also talking about Trump and 70 IQ morons. I'm quoting you here at this point. These idiots, riled up by Trump's speech, created a violent uprising against the US government. [Edit: also, the attack was planned by the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers.]
but my point here wasn't the protesters (or individual factions therein). my point was that the leading factors, Generals of the coop if you will (trump/jones/julliani etc.) expressely instructed their base to..well i'm not going to repeat it again.

For point 3, I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks the 2020 protests were "mostly peaceful." What *is* true is that they were definitely not uprisings against the government.
no? they where not uprisings against the (sitting, Trumpian) government? or its institution? (police) :sneaky:


Legendary Member
Jul 17, 2020
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in other news: New evidence has surged that indentifies as to why the Secret government completely missed the shooter climbing on the roof and taking up position:

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