General porn talk


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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they are certainly produced fairly, for sure .......not:)

The other one is also cool. This "kiss me" writing next to he nistle branch. I really like this horny sense of humor.

Yeah you gotta give them credit for actually looking like a nice company with a sense of self-deprecating humour. They publish the stats every year, the merch is cool. It's like they aren't ashamed of themselves and what they do. I mean, look at this:

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J. Dorian

Jul 13, 2020
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Kaiserslautern / Germany
Yeah you gotta give them credit for actually looking like a nice company with a sense of self-deprecating humour. They publish the stats every year, the merch is cool. It's like they aren't ashamed of themselves and what they do. I mean, look at this:

These guys don't make a big deal about what they earn money with. Anyway, it's better than the clean image companies with thousands of corpses in the cellar
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Yeah you gotta give them credit for actually looking like a nice company with a sense of self-deprecating humour. They publish the stats every year, the merch is cool. It's like they aren't ashamed of themselves and what they do. I mean, look at this:
wtf is up with Kentucky browsing for Among Us? lmao
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long term effects of porn are not good. You will end up feeling sexually aroused all the time or you may get depression or Erectile dysfunction
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The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
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Jul 13, 2020
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long term effects of porn are not good. You will end up feeling sexually aroused all the time or you may get depression or Erectile dysfunction
It sounds counterintuitive, but when I drop/slow down my, ahem, consumption, I end up feeling more aroused than on regular days. That's why quitting is so difficult, because the urges get stronger as each day passes.
I think that heightened arousal is normal, though, since fundamentally we're all just animals. What is not normal is having such an easy access to the largest 'stash and tricking your brain into thinking you're sleeping with dozens of smokin' women. Now, *that* is when guys run into issues especially if they already have a significant other but can't have actual sex.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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It sounds counterintuitive, but when I drop/slow down my, ahem, consumption, I end up feeling more aroused than on regular days. That's why quitting is so difficult, because the urges get stronger as each day passes.
I think that heightened arousal is normal, though, since fundamentally we're all just animals. What is not normal is having such an easy access to the largest 'stash and tricking your brain into thinking you're sleeping with dozens of smokin' women. Now, *that* is when guys run into issues especially if they already have a significant other but can't have actual sex.

Haha I've been trying so hard not to respond, because I'm sure it'll turn into one of the conversations about bullying and being a victim and whatnot.

If you want a good discussion, here's some reading material I highly recommend. On the bottom of the article, there are 3 links which are the continuation of the series about porn. I read this before (and posted this before), gonna have to do it again. I'm (again) gonna make the effort to tone it down (porn, that is).

The increased arousal after stopping jerking off peaks at about days 2-4 for me, after that you learn to live/barely cope with it.

But... When lockdown started, I moved back to my family and couldn't get some time to watch porn at all, only had a chance to empty my balls like once a week, quickly at that. Didn't change much for me, but I did notice some urge later on to have a longer session to some good, arousing porn, not wet the TP in as short as possible before someone tries to go shit in the bathroom.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Haha I've been trying so hard not to respond, because I'm sure it'll turn into one of the conversations about bullying and being a victim and whatnot.
:LOL: for sure
If you want a good discussion, here's some reading material I highly recommend. On the bottom of the article, there are 3 links which are the continuation of the series about porn. I read this before (and posted this before), gonna have to do it again. I'm (again) gonna make the effort to tone it down (porn, that is).

The increased arousal after stopping jerking off peaks at about days 2-4 for me, after that you learn to live/barely cope with it.
Interesting article. I especially liked this quote from the section on the 3 P's:
Consequently, the pillar of Procreation has come to bear a disproportionate amount of weight in a man’s life, and has thus become twisted and contorted from the strain.
It reminds me of the incel community and how all of them are depressed because they are all alone and can't seem to "get a girlfriend" or date anyone, even though the rest of their life is fine. Heck, I remember reading posts on reddit from a US medical student and a ~30 year old working professional in that same situation. It's easy to focus on what you don't have and to give too much weight to the procreation pillar.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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:LOL: for sure

Interesting article. I especially liked this quote from the section on the 3 P's:

It reminds me of the incel community and how all of them are depressed because they are all alone and can't seem to "get a girlfriend" or date anyone, even though the rest of their life is fine. Heck, I remember reading posts on reddit from a US medical student and a ~30 year old working professional in that same situation. It's easy to focus on what you don't have and to give too much weight to the procreation pillar.

If you read all 4, you read fast!

Damn, that's harsh. Wouldn't ever want to identify with a group that's known for not having a girlfriend. I've heard there are some worse cases, where they don't have a GF but don't understand why as they are so good, and feel like they are entitled to one. Or worse, they demand the girl breaks up with her BF and be with them because they are better. Think I've heard of such situations in a Jordan Peterson video.
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The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I feel bad for the people who are turned on by hentai - PH had a pretty HUGE hentai section, which is pretty much also deleted now.

Oh, and Sasha Grey is on Twitch and wanna know something incredible? She's way more wholesome and chill than 99% of Twitch-thots on there. She's pretty awesome to follow.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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I feel bad for the people who are turned on by hentai - PH had a pretty HUGE hentai section, which is pretty much also deleted now.

Oh, and Sasha Grey is on Twitch and wanna know something incredible? She's way more wholesome and chill than 99% of Twitch-thots on there. She's pretty awesome to follow.
Reminds me of the video of the guy at the gas station parking lot who mentions how he had ~100 bookmarks of his favorite videos and now they're all gone.


Aug 2, 2020
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My take on porn? One of the worst think what can happen is to be exposing to that too long (several years).
Porn/masturbating is pleasure system and as Dr. Robert Lustig says pleasure is dopamin, happiness is serotonin.
Time stamp 11:11
Long term exposing to any pleasure can really fuc...ed up your neural reward system, so much that you might be not feeling happiness (serotonin) from ordinary things. This may be one of the causes of the growth of depression (when you are not capable to feel happiness from ordinary things)
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