Health, Exercise & Wellness


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Reason I asked is I can relate somewhat, being woken up 3 times every night for parental reasons.

So the going to bed routine is sporadic,, as well as the sleep itself, but the waking up one is constant.

the trick I used is to
1 get an alarmclock or sound on your phone that is annoying enough not to ignore. (and soft enough as to not wake the baby though tbh when he's vast asleep you can shoot a cannon next to his ear without any effect but that aside) In my case thats a combo of a phillips light alarm next to my bed, waking me up gradually and my phone in the kitchen.

2 place the (annoying) alarm like said far away from your bed, (preferably in your kitchen where you can immidiatly drink/eat) forcing you to get out, walk, and press the off/snooze switch. After that it becomes much more of a chore/choice to slumb back to bed, (as opposed to pressing snooze with you head on your pillow, which will doze you back of in seconds till the next snooze interval)

within 1 month esq your brain will get the memo, you'll wake up around that time constantly... and your early going to bed routine will shortly follow, since you'll be exhausted/headached and yawnstruck a couple of evenings after.
Yeah I should probably just leave my phone at a desk that's like 1m away, but still I have to get up to turn it off. Will do so tonight.

Your post was really helpful though (thanks!), even though I know of all these 'hacks' and tricks. I just forget that I need some time for it to work.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Just woken up! Left my phone at the desk, made sure I had woken up properly before I went and turned off the alarm.

Sweating like a pig though, goddamn it's like I'm oven-roasting myself.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Dug a 2.3m well (radius on top was 3m, at the bottom 2.3m), over 9 hours past Saturday, with some friends. If I wasn't digging or shoveling, I was pushing a wheelbarrow full of dirt/clay. Goddamn. I'm still recovering - my muscles are ok, but I'm just so damn sleepy all the time. And to be honest, I've had it easy, one friend only dug and shoveled, which is the hardest part of it. They don't call it farmer's strength for nothing. And there I was with my fancy 3x5 squats and 1x5 deadlifts...

Anyways, last week I started a new program. Starting Strength just failed to motivate me to go to the gym, the progress was diminishing/stalling quickly, and every set was a maximal effort. It gets really tiring really quickly. I'd have to gain weight to get better, which is a no-no. Or sleep better, eat better, but I can't control that as much as is necessary.

So I started a new one, by the guys I really trust (Barbell Medicine). Started their Beginner Template, had a good first week of lifting, and even though the increased hypertrophy (sets of 7, 8 and 10) is making me uncomfortable (used to do sets of 3 and 5), I'm getting adjusted to the different kind of intensity the training requires. It's also tricky to figure out the subjective rates of stress (Rate of Perceived Exertion) for a set, but I'll get used to it.

What I really love about it is that it promotes the long-term approach. There's everything - pure strength work, hypertrophy, cardio (LISS/HIIT), supplemental work (arms, core etc.), all in order to increase my general fitness levels (instead of focusing on just one, like before). On top of that, after the first 12+ weeks I get to choose the "specialty" that I want to chase, and I get to tailor my training to my specific wishes. I loved the sheer simplicity of Starting Strength, and this is a bit too complicated in comparison; but I want to at least stick to it for its entire duration and see where it takes me.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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In review, liking the program. Lifts slowly but surely going up, but it's still very very challenging. First 4 weeks are done, but I'll probably repeat the 4th week to see if I can still squeeze some more progress out of my lifts. When I can't do that anymore, it's onto the 2nd block of training, which introduces more exercises and more set/rep/RPE schemes.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Accidentally did barbell hip thrusts with 115 lbs (~52 kg), when my usual working weight is 95-105 lbs. Guess I'm sticking with 115 lbs
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Is that the fucking exercise? That's a girl's average weight, so no need to go up on that haha.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Mexican chicks phattt huh? ~70kg is a lot by my standards, I'm a ballpark-50 guy myself.

Always thought that was a classic girl exercise, until I saw a guy thrust nearly 200 kg. DAMN. Now I wanna do that.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Mexican chicks phattt huh? ~70kg is a lot by my standards, I'm a ballpark-50 guy myself.

Always thought that was a classic girl exercise, until I saw a guy thrust nearly 200 kg. DAMN. Now I wanna do that.
Yeah, pretty much for both things. I'm at 77 kg myself, so I would be fine with someone that's ~70 kg
I rarely see guys doing hip thrusts at the gym, or any other butt isolation exercises. I think I've only seen the trainers do them, actually


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Took a 3-week break because of exams, just as I was setting new personal records. Gonna be tough getting into the groove again and setting habits, but I have to. Still have to see if I need to start the program all over again, which would be a huge bummer, just the specific part of it or deload slightly and go from there.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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...and I still haven't trained since. But got my free FitPass yesterday and as soon as I can organize my time, get up an hour earlier and financially handle the vast amounts of food I'll need, I will start again. Not really excited about starting again but my body needs it very much.

Was walking a lot though, generally eating less, and getting a grip on my professional life, so there were some positives to this long pause. How do people achieve working, training, studying and having enough free time I have no fucking clue.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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2 hours of badminton last night ... I cannot move. My body feels like I've been in car crash.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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2 hours of badminton last night ... I cannot move. My body feels like I've been in car crash.
autsch, m8, the topic is health exercise and wellness. not self destruct :LOL:
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Guys, I have had a chat with my psychologist .I am giving music a break like from techno and trance because I feel its just reinforcing negatives beliefs about myself and I cannot find anything positive about it. Despite it sounding great I think it's for the best I will still post stuff other than music but I won't be participating in finding new or old music anymore. I am just going to stick to learning piano instead of spending countless hours on youtube and soundcloud

In other news, this is incredible
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
2,981 Posts
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Guys, I have had a chat with my psychologist .I am giving music a break like from techno and trance because I feel its just reinforcing negatives beliefs about myself and I cannot find anything positive about it. Despite it sounding great I think it's for the best I will still post stuff other than music but I won't be participating in finding new or old music anymore. I am just going to stick to learning piano instead of spending countless hours on youtube and soundcloud

In other news, this is incredible
I've seen this guy before. Excellent example of mind over matter

Great to hear you're picking up lessons!


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
4,032 Posts
2,906 Thanked
Signed up for the Business Run competition in April. Lots of companies competing in a 5k run. It's in April. On one hand, I can't wait, but on the other, I haven't even started training.