Midian - Echoes of You [TF Recordings]

Release title
Echoes of You EP
Label name
Release date
Sep 23, 2022
Release type
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Hey guys! Trancefix Rec second release is now OUT! This time it's a new alias from @LostLegend, who is showing once again how talented and diverse he is with the different styles he can make. Really happy with the both mixes here. I got a some Green Martian vibes with the percs and some Solarstone with the melodies. Interested to see which mix you preder, for me its the Summer Mix! Your support is always massively appreciated.

Echoes of You (Summer Mix)

Echoes of You (Autumn Mix)
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Senior Member
Dec 5, 2020
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Liverpool, UK
This was a lot of fun to put together.
Lots of backwards and forwards discussion with the TF.R team trying to get everything to sound just right, a real passion project!

I wanted that lightside/darkside feel between both mixes, with the Summer Mix going for that summer (obviously) Balearic style feel and the Autumn mix going for a darker, 90's Perfecto style vibe.
Really happy how they both turned out and with the awesome artwork.

Hope you all enjoy it!
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Elite Member
Jul 21, 2020
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'Autumn Mix' is alright, imo it would be better without the vocal sample in 2:19, also no needs for the melody that comes in 2:50, less is more. nice snare btw)

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Just listened to summer mix.

Staggered, simply staggered by how good this is. Christ!

Theres this mark of a tune I feel. After hearing it once, does it make you want to hear it again. And how badly.

Well. So badly that me writing this review is frustrating me now because i enjoyed the tune so much but cant listen to it whilst typing a response.

To sum it up.

Banger! Beautiful!
Got to listen again immediately as i liked it so much.

( cool, just listening whilst updating the response, - glad the forum can do that! 😊)

LostLegend. Well done. This is one of ‘those’ tunes I feel. It really has incredibly strong elements to it and some real beautiful ones too.

How long did Summer mix take to make ? Id love to know for guidance on my own music.
Those whispering vocals, …so amazing.

Q: Have you heard of DJ Eco?

… If you haven’t, you have elements that compare to some of his groundbreaking tracks.

Congrats! 🫶
Amazing stuff!
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Autum mix.
Love it, has real depth to it. Propoer pertinent feelings to it.

My review is short because im being inspired to get to my studio and create something. Even tho its 5.50 am.
My first studio sesh in 2 weeks as been on holiday!

Amazing stuff dude and great artist name. Midian!


Lost in Trancelation
Jul 13, 2020
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Cool elements, and props for making it a bit more rhytmical, just feels a bit messy how it builds and comes about. It feels like you rearranged parts and just tried to blend them together with too many ideas in your head.

For me it lacks a good solid direction and it feels more like 100 (maybe not 100 but still) small ideas thrown in the pot and just cooked together rather than 3-4 solid ones backed up by good driving forces. It feels hastily throwned together for some reason. The intro and outro part are really poor aswell, unfortunaly.

Still though, pretty cool tracks. Keep it up!

I just listened to Breakfast - Morning Rain and I thnk thats a great reference track and counterpoint to this track, how i feel this track could be improved upon, if it did more what that one is doing.
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Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
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I t hink I go with the Summer Mix. The guitar and the small melody is the best part. Sounds great.

Not too keen on those loud marching drum/snares. The other version is a bit too messy for me as a whole. I do like that "alarm"-ish sound that comes in later in the track.
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Reactions: LostLegend


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Absolutely love the energy here!! Ever since hearing the first mixes, the bassline and the beatwork were the highlights of the track for me. Can't decide between the two, both have their pros.
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Reactions: LostLegend


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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very worthy follow up, If I had to be insanely critical I would say its a bit heavy on the drums. but other then that class track.
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Reactions: LostLegend


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2020
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They're better than 90% of Trance made today, so for that I'll give you a congratulations. I don't know about the guitar layer but the synthy parts of the summer mix are enjoyable and have a classic feel. I like the drum choice.
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Reactions: LostLegend


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Nice driving tracks, Autumn mix for me. Somehow the main melody reminds me of MIDOR & Six4Eight's style.
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Reactions: LostLegend


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2021
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Feels different from your standard faster Trance tracks. It does feel that maybe too many ideas going on, but not drastic enough to ruin it for me. Summer mix is awesome.
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Reactions: LostLegend


May 18, 2021
224 Posts
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The percussion does come across a bit heavy and machine rough, overtaking any potential atmosphere and synth work that would help balance it. I don't think you needed the yeah yeah vocal sample either, or maybe something different. Overall it's a decent offering, I'm glad the members involved here are trying to release Trance that doesn't feel like its come off the uplifting conveyer belt.
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Senior Member
Dec 18, 2021
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Both mixes are HUGE, but currently prefer to hammer out Autumn mix goes well with cold days! REALLY strong perfecto vibes in this version that's for sure!

Keep going please it's on a Cassini-like level!
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Reactions: LostLegend


Senior Member
Aug 5, 2021
257 Posts
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Finally got round to these, sick tracks. Autumn mix goes off. Can we get these on spottily please?


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2021
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Ashamed to listen to this so late, but really really loving the Autumn mix, feels like it came out of a Gatecrasher CD :)