So this comes up every so often....There is a ton of great Trance being produced but over the last 25 years it has evolved and new sounds & unlimited digital possibilities out there. We talked about this 3 years ago in Sean Tyas's Twitch Stream. He was asking all the artists how we can get Trance back to that....And he said specifically "I don't want to say classic sound" but the same type of effort going into each song and the arrangements. Since then Trance has been on point. Right now we are going through the Melodic Techno & Progressive House Rework Phase.Does anyone know of any artists, big or small, that is producing classic trance in the modern era? I know it's a bit of a niche since it's not the "hot and trendy" genre anymore, but I'm just curious and thought the community would have some idea.
So far, I only know of The Thrillseekers Pres. Hydra and another artist that goes by Coredata from Joof Recordings, who produces music inspired by Platipus Records.
Activa has always been the same.
Bryan Kearney Bangin It
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