Peter Plaznik - Destroying Law EP (incl. Outlaw, Destroyer) [2012]

Peter Plaznik
Release title
Destroying Law EP
Label name
Discover Dark / Recoverworld
Release year


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Release Date: 18 June 2012
Label | Cat#: Discover Dark (Recoverworld) | DISDAR71

Peter Plaznik's Discover Dark debut sums up exactly where the label stands right now with the tougher edge of his sound drawing strongly from the techno arena whilst still keeping a melodic twist for the tech trance purists.

Destroyer could not be more appropriately named with a disarming bassline, tripped out vocal sample and a relentlessness that delivers tension and beauty in equal measure!

Outlaw delivers on similar levels but with added 303's - need we say more!!!



Destroyer is one of favorites from Plazo, but Outlaw is damn good too.