You're right, we live like we're 16. amendment we would like to live. the most important question, what are young people looking for today? I think rubbish among peers, youth today are bombarded from all sides with merceting aimed at their populations. Trance chance that someone big will decide to revive the genre and invest enough to beat everyone. but I think we are approaching the bottom and it will be over soon. fear to think when our algorithms will create songs based on our weaknessesNobody has ever called me an optimist, I am all for some negativity (just wait till you reach the last sentence of this post)
But in response to the question of this topic I must say: “Threads like these”. It just seems that the majority of the conversations that I read here revolve around the “good old days” and “what’s wrong with the scene now”. Totally different from what I remember from reading the forums when I was young (see I’m doing it muself). There was positivity back then!
Maybe we should face it. It is not about the scene, the quality of the music or any other reason. The truth is much more simple, the average trance fan is old, we’re old! And there is no way a 35-40 old will get as excited about a melody as a 16 year old did, that is simply a fact. The only thing that old people like to do is remember the good old days, this forum is a case in point.
PS: The promised last sentence: See, I was negative about negativity, top that!