After 8 months of hiatus, Forescape's finally back! Slam Duck delivered a serious slab of the driving Trance music with meaning called Regeneration, just like we love it here.
Mastered by Alex Negodujko
After 8 months of hiatus, Forescape's finally back! Slam Duck delivered a serious slab of the driving Trance music with meaning called Regeneration, just like we love it here.
Mastered by Alex Negodujko
Pretty good track, i like the melodic elements more than the drums and bass. Hopefully with Forescape returning we get more music from Timewave, YAMS, Cosmithex, Satinka and Facade.
Sounds pretty nice ! Just the beat that feels a bit sloppy and non engaged somehow. It's just too repetitiv and i feel like theres almost zero work put into the rhytmic arrangement. It just becomes very static, very fast. It's like he only worked on the middle part of the track and the rest just meh, let's just copy paste the same stuff over and over