But I also feel the same as you guys really, and the view/reply count does indicate that users are just not interested (at all) in a portion of what is being posted, and in fact bulk posting has the opposite effect in terms of engagement. For example I told the Tranceallstars guy to post only 1 release at a time. All of his posts have 0 replies, so clearly there is no interest. I will enforce that properly now and delete the excess as in this case it is obvious.
In other instance it is less obvious and 1 post per day is too limiting and impractical for people wanting to share. See the below image for example. A triple post, but it has value (and replies). I just listened to all the three releases and enjoyed 2 of them. The 3rd by Ferry Corsten I did not like, but was interested to see what this big name was doing and will probably even comment. If we limited this user to 1 post, maybe he will post the Ferry track and I miss out on the other two (as he was too busy or forgets to post later in the week). But of course I also see the user who posts 5/6 tracks and none of them have a single reply and low views.
If this section had double the amount of releases shared, but 80% of them were quality, would we be complaining or mind? I don't think so. So the issue is less on volume and more on quality releases that TF users find interesting. So the options I see are;
1. Set a limit on posting, but don't make it overly restrictive and see how it goes. I'd say 3 per day.
2. Mods attempt and users encouraged to share more releases and of a wider variety across Trance/Prog, i.e Psychedelic, Trance-Techno, Progressive House, making it a more varied section, with hopefully better music
3. Do both