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Mar 22, 2023
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6th and 7th of October 2023 the "Trancemission: Soundgarden" festival will take place in two russian cities - Saint Petersburg and Moscow.

Besides Ahmed Helmy, who played already in these cities last year, now Chris Schweizer has also shown his true colours 🙄

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Can't you all calm down? When it comes to you that you are no longer an order to anyone.


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Jul 21, 2020
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The Ukrainian army is bombing Donetsk every day, targeting civilians. Or is it different? As she did until 2022.
There's too much text to explain and a whole chronology of actions regarding "why has Ukrainian Army bombed Donetsk" or "Why were you silent for eight years while children were killed in Donbas?", which are the most popular russian propaganda myths. I've already explained that on Facebook and ruscist VK to other ruscists so I won't bother explaining once again, especially on a trance-related forum.
Also I'm sure your government is already controlling the media so that you won't find the right information on google.


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Mar 22, 2023
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There's too much text to explain and a whole chronology of actions regarding "why has Ukrainian Army bombed Donetsk" or "Why were you silent for eight years while children were killed in Donbas?", which are the most popular russian propaganda myths. I've already explained that on Facebook and ruscist VK to other ruscists so I won't bother explaining once again, especially on a trance-related forum.
Also I'm sure your government is already controlling the media so that you won't find the right information on google.
So why are you on a forum dedicated to trance writing about being bombed? You have no other answers about the bombing of Donetsk and Lugansk. You're avoiding awkward questions. Listen to your propaganda more.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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@mr.guse, this is a trance forum first and foremost. So we expect you to use it for music as well, otherwise I see no point in joining a forum just to debate some guy's opinions on war, propaganda and politics.

Please keep this discussion civil and on topic.


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Jul 17, 2020
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So why are you on a forum dedicated to trance writing about being bombed?
he's not? he's on a trance forum with a topic about TRANCE ARTISTS supporting what he considers the enemy camp.

Likewise, you are (and where! since the inception of the forum well into the 2014- 2022 donbass-conflict by the way...) Free to start a topic here titled: "Trance artists who support ukraine's bombing of civilians in the Donbass"

Doubt it'll recieve much traction though. bit late to the party and all.



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Mar 22, 2023
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Maybe u delete this topic? Why not? Or can you throw mud at Russians or artists who perform in Russia?



TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I personally don't think this entire thread is very constructive, but the only difference between "the sides" is that one member seems to have specifically joined this forum to argue, provoke and, at times, insult. I see no point in that, really. It would certainly help if you displayed less argumentative and confrontational behavior, and wrote more constructive posts. Discussion is always welcome.


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Oct 5, 2023
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Ukrainians affected by the war and misled/fooled by their own government's inhumane propaganda actively spread the idea of collective responsibility which has quite something in common with certain regime from about a century ago. It's clearly obvious that in some time USA and EU will begin to 'notice' these narratives and it will discredit Ukraine's role in this conflict drastically, mark my words


Jul 14, 2020
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Ukrainians affected by the war and misled/fooled by their own government's inhumane propaganda actively spread the idea of collective responsibility which has quite something in common with certain regime from about a century ago. It's clearly obvious that in some time USA and EU will begin to 'notice' these narratives and it will discredit Ukraine's role in this conflict drastically, mark my words
haha, Nothing suggest that’s true


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2023
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haha, Nothing suggest that’s true
well I suggest you don't know shit about it and consume the mainstream puppet media, I know a bit tho

frankly, I'm not willing to discuss this further with trance fans on trance forum, it's just that there's the thread started of course by that guy who's naturally affected by war yet still speaking the onesided hate bollocks

careful with who you support so you don't feel embarrassed laters
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Jul 7, 2020
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So who's gonna start the Israël vs. Palestine thread...? But in all seriousness, I am saddened by the fact that people still go to war. I guess we'll never learn.


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Jul 21, 2020
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It's been a while since I wrote anything here, as I already gave up writing about those artists from russia-supporting countries playing in russia.

I have mentioned Ahmed Helmy already in this thread, who played at least 3 times in different russian shitholes during the last 2 years. But today I became enraged once again.

SEAN fucking TYAS will perform in the same 2 russian cities - moscow and saint petersburg next month. A fucking uplifting trance LEGEND from Switzerland, a country which actually supports Ukraine (and not the Shithole), and is not even neutral towards the russian invasion of Ukraine?

That's a huge stab in the back for me as his former huge fan. I'm speechless.



TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I've renamed the thread for now - if @Uplifted or anyone else has a better name for it let me know. The member mr.guse has been banned. Please try to be respectful of each other and keep this discussion as constructive as possible.
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Jul 17, 2020
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Sean "Putin Lover" Tyas
This is where I would actually give mr.guse, archive have his soul, his due.


you can be Russian, love the Country, or love Russians as a people and preform for them. Without being a "Putin lover" or condone the current government and its actions.

Like, whats the alternative here precisely?

Let Russians only listen to Putin-propaganda and SHAMAN songs by actively depriving them Western music? Because i'm sure that'll do wonders in the long run for more consentual conscripting, given North Korea's precedent et all.

its easy to think in absolutes when angry, but>



TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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its easy to think in absolutes when angry
It's useful, especially when you're in power and trying to convince people that spending their own money on inflicting destruction (upon the other side) is actually a good thing. You just need to create an us vs them narrative, judge every nuanced answer as traitorous and people will forget about who actually benefits from all this. Hint: It's never the people...
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Senior Member
Oct 5, 2023
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well sad reality is that Ukraine will be gone as a state in a couple of years and Zelensky will be remembered as a fame hungry ego maniac that sentenced his nation to death for his short time of fame and cheap US money. so I don't see anything wrong with the guys like Tyas who understand this is just a temporary thing and barely what mass media are trying to make it look like. for most of the world it's just a new season of Westworld, all new and improved, but a couple season and it's canceled due to falling ratings.

actually kudos to Tyas for the loud statement. more to come for sure