Share thoughts about J-Trance. Those guys used to deviate a lot from mainstream European trance. However, nowadays they also started degrading((( At least they left some heritage a decade or two ago.
Yeah, ZTS, Graffias (aka syatten), void, Junk, Housei Satoh and others were the legends of sure has a special vibe with the extra playful melodies and rich arrangements, although the latest generation of Japanese producers seem to lack this identity a lot and sound much more like everyone else, and also some of the seasoned Japanese producers are disappearing from the scene in recent years
Btw, what J-Trance tracks you enjoyed the most?it sure has a special vibe with the extra playful melodies and rich arrangements, although the latest generation of Japanese producers seem to lack this identity a lot and sound much more like everyone else, and also some of the seasoned Japanese producers are disappearing from the scene in recent years
to be honest, I have never intentionally followed any of Japanese artists, noticing Japanese trance being slightly different to the mainstream sound by hearing their tracks occasionally in some DJ sets ans radioshows over past decade.. one name that comes to mind is Nhato, he's releasing some forward thinking tech tranceBtw, what J-Trance tracks you enjoyed the most?
Push made this beauty in collaboration with Tetsuya Komuro - Tranceformation. Besides Yoji and Hiroyuki Oda, I also liked releases by Remo-Con. Same techy stuff Yoji made.I have over 1700 tracks in my playlist, probably not even 10 of them are made from Japanese producers. Those 10 mostly consist of GOA stuff produced by Tsuyoshi Suzuki.
Otherwise the first thing that comes to mind is Hiroyuki Oda – Transmigration / Injection from 2006 which is a pretty good release
While Transmigration is probably his most famous track due to its appearance on ASOT 2006 CD2, Hiroyuki Oda has many great releases which have that similar feel but sadly are not very well known or popular.Otherwise the first thing that comes to mind is Hiroyuki Oda – Transmigration / Injection from 2006 which is a pretty good release