I must confess that i was influenced with tech/prog/electro style too much before i quit from producing. Maybe today i will be one of that $$$ Dj's .... who jumped to fast driving machinery train. If you jump in, it will take you far away from your actual standings, i hope do you understand this similitude
As far as i know, if you want to be successful, you have to sacrifice your honour or health. Sometimes both thats worst case. Armin sacrificed honour as first for example, but now he fell too much inside that big machinery and he is continuing to sacrifice health and probably his whole life (night life, alcohol, maybe drugs,too much noise, often changing timezones will bring "its bad fruit" soon, you know what it means..) So mate why i am writing these words... I will tell you a true story that happened in last years in my life.. I almost lost my life when i was on top of my career.. Really i started to die slowly. It came from nowhere, death is really silent opponent. When someone is gonna die, he knows that he is gonna lose "everything". Is there anything we don't lose when we die? Money, house, car, wife, parents, childrens, pleasure, fun ? ... .. everything ends for us and we are alone then. You can trust me ,we are able to beg for our life in that moment, we are capable to do unbelievable things to stay alive. So i started to pray to God, asking Him for saving my life even i didn't believe in Him at that time. And He did it, He saved my life and also did a lot more for me. I met Him personally and He changed me in way that no on else could do. From that moment He is allways first in my life. I left bad things far behind me, because He forgave me everything without at least one blaming words for my sins.. Why? Because His Son Jesus dies for all of us already. So sacrifice for us was done, price was paid, now we have only to say if we agree or not. Who agree will receive life and everything with it, plus a lot more. Music was only one of things i just stopped then. Often i hear that from people that God is using what He gave us - talent. But we have to be patient and willing to search, what is His will. Not too much time passed and i became sound master in our christian meetings
Also i was asked to start producing music many times, so maybe someday i will start again. But of course not as before, because "producing for producing" means nothing. I can make awesome work but all that work is for my own name - which is gonna to be lost. But making music with love and passion for God means you will get your reward from God
Reward that noone can steal from you, even not death. So i think thats enough for now, i will be happy if you will write some words back