What's on your mind today?

Julian Del Agranda

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Jul 3, 2020
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i actually don’t know what was meant to come after that…

It’s in my own team, and… I have the support from my team members? Maybe it was that…
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I can't believe It's happening...

Man if only the Conservatives in my country got this same treatment. They redefined British politics the last 10 years and what it means to normalize corruption. Been honestly in disbelief at the scope of what they have done and continued to get away with. I guess in Bulgaria' case here it took messing with the EU and its money to bring the hammer down. Maybe thats why our PM campaigned so hard to get out haha.


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Jul 4, 2020
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As expected they were released after 24 hours. There's now way to see sentenced politician under this corrupted prosecutor's office. At least our new government is determined to force the change of the chief prosecutor.

This video depicts current political situation in Bulgaria

This is how the police treat protestors two years ago

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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Yesterday was a fabulous Friday. The interview I had with the client went really well, and later in the day I passed a certification exam, and got a raise after that. Got a bit buzzed immediately after, the only thing that was missing was a great night out and whores from all major races.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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The stressful and ultimately successful last week is being followed by a week where I spend most of my work hours in the game room or on the roof, chilling in the sun. Will have to blast some music for maximum pleasure.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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The stressful and ultimately successful last week is being followed by a week where I spend most of my work hours in the game room or on the roof, chilling in the sun. Will have to blast some music for maximum pleasure.
well earned.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Planned a ~25-km hike to a local mountain for today, however a friend couldn't do it and I liked the comfort of my bed more early this morning. Can't really do it an hour or two later because I have to go to a party in the evening. I need to improve my hiking endurance, it will be challenged in a month. Oh well. Next weekend.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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And speaking of corrupt politicians getting their comeuppance. This most certainly made my day. Albeit a hell of a lot less them him actually being trailed.

You know...As far as political institutes go I'm not a huge fan of Brussels.. but credit where credit's due in shoving prime minister blackface's hypocrisy and authoritarian tendencies back at him. The German MEP allegedly got a standing ovation after which all but the entire parlaiment walked out on Justin's speech.

Edit: apparently the formally east German mep wasn't the only one. Romania Ireland and Croatia expressed similar sympathies. But the crowd attendance before and after speaks the most volumes.




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Hot Tuna

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Aug 24, 2020
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142 Paul van Dyk Avenue
Christine Anderson, there, member of the far-right AfD party.

[AfD] has subsequently moved further to the right[14] and expanded its policies under successive leaderships to include opposition to immigration,[15][16] Islam,[17] and the European Union.[18] After 2015, AfD has often been characterized as an anti-Islam,[19][20][21] anti-immigration,[22] German nationalist,[23][24][25] national-conservative,[26][27][28] and hard Eurosceptic party.[29] The AfD is the only party represented in the German Bundestag whose environmental and climate policy is based on the denial of human-made global warming.[30][31]

Hell of a person to "have your day made" by.

In reality, Trudeau's critics were...
a handful of far-right, populist and anti-vaccine members of the European Parliament claiming Trudeau violated civil rights in response to the protest that occupied Ottawa for almost a month went viral on social media.


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Jul 13, 2020
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When you get criticized by fringe, small-time far-right politicians you know you did the correct thing.

When your opinion matches with that of far-right politicians, you should seriously take a look at yourself and your personal values.
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Jul 17, 2020
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When you get criticized by fringe, small-time far-right politicians you know you did the correct thing.

When your opinion matches with that of far-right politicians, you should seriously take a look at yourself and your personal values.
The majority of the Eu parliament who walked out on Trudeau (and his horse trampling of disabled native eldery women in peacefull protest) is "far right" according to you? :LOL:

look, I know he's your guy and everything. but could you please drop the tribalism for 2 seconds? it doesn't become you, a person I tend to respect for arguing the case, instead of the prefered team/ person.
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Jul 13, 2020
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The majority of the Eu parliament who walked out on Trudeau (and his horse trampling of disabled native eldery women in peacefull protest) is "far right" according to you? :LOL:

look, I know he's your guy and everything. but could you please drop the tribalism for 2 seconds? it doesn't become you, a person I tend to respect for arguing the case, instead of the prefered team/ person.
What's more likely - that the majority of the EU parliament walked out during his speech, or that he received a standing ovation?

Look, I know you're conservative and have some valid opinions, but the far right is never okay. I will never accept or agree with ideals that:

whose aim is:

oppression, political violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing, or genocide against groups of people based on their supposed inferiority or their perceived threat to the native ethnic group, nation, state, national religion, dominant culture, or conservative social institutions
Far-right politics (wiki link)

For me, Trudeau being criticized by those nutjobs is a good look.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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A nasty hangover. The company had a celebration last night, was absolutely awesome. Unfortunately, someone had a few too many beers and didn't realize it until that someone woke up. Can't leave my bed, feel so awful ever since I opened my eyes.
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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What's more likely - that the majority of the EU parliament walked out during his speech, or that he received a standing ovation?
well if you count his secretary and security officer and the abysmal few who stayed an clapped then sure .. Fact is when he started there where only 200 of the 705 in their seats.
Most of which left by the end of it. see; picture I'm not surprised at all to see CBC didn't mention that when they claimed he got a "big standing ovation". Its a bit like saying my mom was the only one in the audience and clapped during my poetry rehersal therefor it was big succes.

Look, I know you're conservative and have some valid opinions, but the far right is never okay. I will never accept or agree with ideals that:
And you most certainly don't have to. I certainly don't and i'm not even a conservative.
And despite the attempted smear, I don't think the aforementioned MEP's even do, (maybe aside from not being pro mass immigration) specially the one's from Ireland, Romania, Kroatia or any other post-dictator european country.

I do however stand with “ far right extremist principles”

such as:

- individual rights regardless of skintone or gender
- the right to assemble/peacefully protest
- bodily autonomy
- not being trampled on by a police horse when you're an eldery NATIVE indian peacefully protesting.

For me, Trudeau being criticized by those nutjobs is a good look.
Sure, For me, all but the entire parlaiment walking out on him looks a hell of a lot better. 😁 restores some faith in the EU for me at least


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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3/4 of the above are quite literally pre-pandemic liberal ideals

The trampled elderly woman case, which you cite continuously, has not been proven true. The person who initially tweeted that apologized for spreading misinformation.
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