What's on your mind today?


Elite Member
Sep 26, 2020
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@Uplifted, he wasn't with the guys, but I recognised him by his profile picture. Also I saw him on Trance Sanctuary, but couldn't figure why he looked so familiar.
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
So that was cool I met the first forum member yesterday on the Liberation event an even went with the UK trance society although I stayed on my own through the most part since I spend the whole event in the classsics/vinyl room.
That sounds cool. I had an idea once if any off us from trancefix in the UK fancied meeting up. Or maybe there could be a global meetup sometime. Possibly Netherlands. Or we could just organise a forum zoom chat with some members. @Hensmon @Gagi @LostLegend @Progrez @Daysleeper @ @jetflag @dmgtz96 & any regulars (can’t mention all of you as too many to type)
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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So I got a mail saying my S23+ is in store and ready for me to pick up. So I did, took some time off work to go get it.

However, when I came, due to an error in their system, I could not get an invoice (even though it was paid a couple of days ago), so they did not give me the device. They could not even issue a confirmation document that I picked up the phone and am waiting for an invoice still (which would protect my rights as a consumer).

Got me riled up real good.
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
So I got a mail saying my S23+ is in store and ready for me to pick up. So I did, took some time off work to go get it.

However, when I came, due to an error in their system, I could not get an invoice (even though it was paid a couple of days ago), so they did not give me the device. They could not even issue a confirmation document that I picked up the phone and am waiting for an invoice still (which would protect my rights as a consumer).

Got me riled up real good.
Man. Jeezushh. Go relax and listen to some trusty 90s far out hed chill lushness like this Opik : Traveling without moving…( Not jamiriqui at all. …..but the best trippy ambient from the 90s. Trust me. Youl bless my cotton socks!

( then maybe my latest sin3waves update on our tf-r private song progress thread. It’s getting good now. ( my mate George Winkworth aka Slipstream/Atlantis loves it)
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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then maybe my latest sin3waves update on our tf-r private song progress thread
Thanks for the reminder. I usually see the message, but can't listen to it or respond right away, and then I forget about it completely. I'll take a listen straight away.

BTW, at the store, I had some sort of a contract that can function as an invoice, but the workers failed to mention that to me. 😒
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Well, it did take the entire day. Was at the store again, couldn't get it due to an error in their system. Called the customer support to escalate, nothing. Hung around with a friend, went back home, and literally as soon as I parked my car, I got an email with an advance payment invoice.

Decided to go back (for the third time), and even then it was touch-and-go. But finally got my device, activated the eSIM and am now spending my evening hours setting it up fully! Exciting times.


Senior Member
Jul 21, 2020
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@Uplifted, he wasn't with the guys, but I recognised him by his profile picture. Also I saw him on Trance Sanctuary, but couldn't figure why he looked so familiar.

It was nice meeting you! For me it was also first time seeing someone from the forum 😁

I had an idea once if any off us from trancefix in the UK fancied meeting up.

This would be nice!


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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I'll probably end up meeting a bunch of you at Luminosity, not this year because I'm Hella broke but maybe in 2024/2025
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Dec 24, 2022
182 Posts
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Today was first real day of work at my new job, after two weeks of training. I work for an online banking and credit card startup in Canada in the customer service department. I felt a bit anxious this morning when I started, but I found my stride as the day went on, despite that one Karen who threatened to escalate to management over what turned out to be a misunderstanding.
All in all it's a good job so far, and was a good day :)


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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So that was cool I met the first forum member yesterday on the Liberation event an even went with the UK trance society although I stayed on my own through the most part since I spend the whole event in the classsics/vinyl room.
I thought you meant you met Wesley lol

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Today was first real day of work at my new job, after two weeks of training. I work for an online banking and credit card startup in Canada in the customer service department. I felt a bit anxious this morning when I started, but I found my stride as the day went on, despite that one Karen who threatened to escalate to management over what turned out to be a misunderstanding.
All in all it's a good job so far, and was a good day :)
Great news Altair. Yeah theres always a Karen! Just tell her, her hair actually ’does’ look nice and you’ll be fine. 😂
- —— ——
- I am not responsible for outcomes of any advice given by myself. Always Use Discretion and act Responsibly 🤣
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Julian Del Agranda

Elite Member
Jul 3, 2020
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Awesome! What job do you do?
My current position is called content specialist. It's about written content mostly. I "translate" difficult laws and rules into simpler B1-texts so people can understand it more easily. Mostly for our website, but it can anything with written content.

I'm going to be the coordinator in my team. Then I don't work on products myself anymore but plan and decide what and when etc. I guess that was pretty self explanatory hehe.
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Julian Del Agranda

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Jul 3, 2020
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any salary raises?

The others no. But salary yes, in theory.

The new job is in a higher salary scale. But I don't know which 'step' (is this the usual translation?) I will be put on, in the new scale.

My current salary is 10.6 for example. They can move me horizontally and put me in 11.2, which is the same salary. Then I don't have a bigger monthly salary right away, but in a few years my current scale ends, and in the new scale I can still grow in salary.

But I think it's justified to claim at least one 'step' raise right away, so you actually earn more in practise. Else, there is no difference and that would be weird.

Those talks are to be had :)
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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The others no. But salary yes, in theory.

The new job is in a higher salary scale. But I don't know which 'step' (is this the usual translation?) I will be put on, in the new scale.

My current salary is 10.6 for example. They can move me horizontally and put me in 11.2, which is the same salary. Then I don't have a bigger monthly salary right away, but in a few years my current scale ends, and in the new scale I can still grow in salary.

But I think it's justified to claim at least one 'step' raise right away, so you actually earn more in practise. Else, there is no difference and that would be weird.

Those talks are to be had :)

Funny, i've just signed a contract with a level-up position aswell and will be switching jobs in march.