Announcement: Trancefix Recordings - Bandcamp Label!

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Hey @Bobby Summa thanks for the words. The 'underground' part of the label is pretty arbitrary I guess, but just us saying we will try and focus on sounds that feel more underground (not mainstream). I'll make the cover art look more underground (hopefully) and we'll focus mainly on Bandcamp as the primary distribution site. So yeah more of an ethos than anything.

I like the track you shared above, and the other one you shared in the production section. Your productions do sound pretty nice. I recommend continuing to post your tracks in the other section and we can give feedback. If you make classic sounding stuff that sounds good we will sign it for sure.

I have a few ideas of things that could possibly help fund the label. Im not experienced in such things but just if its okay put a few ideas down about the label, as i realise a non profit type approach can like you said mean actual slight loss sometimes.

i am not particularly experienced or expert in such things but my father used to be a Chartered accountant who i did work for a little while.

im also not sure what has already been done for the label.


I believe Not for profit organisations are usually taxed less or tax exempt.

The URL for trancefix is dutch so this article may be useful as in Netherlands a foundation or in Dutch, a ‘stichting’ could possibly be a way to set it up if income goes back in to the cause.

Crowdfunding may be able to be used in some way.

If a website or Facebook page is set up, trancefix members could promote it by posting links on their timeline etc or story.

I’ve actually recently joined a Dutch record (net) label called ‘Deep Electronics’ for an ambient track ive made for their next ‘Ambient Sessions’ podcast. They also release more dub techy dub house styles. Some artists make EP’s. They operate on Bandcamp and soundcloud mostly. I believe this may have a non profit style set up. Might be worth looking at their pages, heres their bandcamp with links on their to other pages

i was wandering if potential artists should create their own post / feed / thread on trancefix where they can post tracks they think might be worth releasing on trancefix record label and to get feedback from the comunity.

I may start a thread in the production pages of my own tunes.



TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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The label is not a conventional non for profit, more that we understand that no profit will likely ever be made, because no one really buys music anymore, especially not Trance ha. And then if we were in the future to make some small pennies that would just go back into running the server and platform costs of this site anyway.

We dont mind this anyway. It is mainly because it's enjoyable to do something for the scene and for once stop complaining about the state of Trance and try and do a small thing in our own way. Appreciate the thought you have given this. The best thing you could do is make amazing sounding classic Trance and then we all benefit ;)

i was wandering if potential artists should create their own post / feed / thread on trancefix where they can post tracks they think might be worth releasing on trancefix record label and to get feedback from the comunity.

Yes please make a thread to share your music. You can create a single thread for all your releases, or if you think you have something more finished and worth more discussion you can create a single thread for it.
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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
The label is not a conventional non for profit, more that we understand that no profit will likely ever be made, because no one really buys music anymore, especially not Trance ha. And then if we were in the future to make some small pennies that would just go back into running the server and platform costs of this site anyway.

We dont mind this anyway. It is mainly because it's enjoyable to do something for the scene and for once stop complaining about the state of Trance and try and do a small thing in our own way. Appreciate the thought you have given this. The best thing you could do is make amazing sounding classic Trance and then we all benefit ;)

Yes please make a thread to share your music. You can create a single thread for all your releases, or if you think you have something more finished and worth more discussion you can create a single thread for it.

“The best thing you could do is make amazing sounding classic Trance and then we all benefit”

- That my friend is such a motivational thing to say to me!

🙇‍♂️🫶🫶🫶🙇‍♂️ 🕺🏼💃👯🕺🏼🕺🏼🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩👯🕺🏼🕺🏼 ❤️
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Reactions: Jetflag
Oct 7, 2022
149 Posts
132 Thanked
Entered your releases into the Discogs Database:

Feel free to correct if anything is wrong. I am unsure about your labels country but guess its the Netherlands because of the .nl domain.

Edit: I also didnt find any catalog number so I chose the prefix "TFR000"

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Reactions: Jetflag and Archon


Nov 10, 2020
108 Posts
93 Thanked
This reminds me of an old joke that I adapted below.

"-Hey girl, you want to do some great music together?
- Eww, no.
- Then you came to the right guy!"

That being said, if you're ever in search of some quirky amateur tracks, you know where to find me.


Elite Member
Sep 26, 2020
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I think you should really consider soundcloud/spotify/youtube account for the releases.

Preferably all of the above since those are the major platforms for streaming music. You can monetize the channels to help keep up with the costs for soundcloud pro and spotify releases.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,261 Posts
2,767 Thanked
I think you should really consider soundcloud/spotify/youtube account for the releases.

Yeah Ill be doing this in the coming months. All TF releases to com to spotify soon and we already have a YT channel with the last two EPs. Soundcloud eventually as well
Oct 7, 2022
149 Posts
132 Thanked
Update: Also added your new release. I can keep updating Discogs if you like but you could do it too. You should check the info I entered. Discogs wants a Country for the label. It is the Netherlands?

PS: Congrats Henry, you now got your own Discogs Page. :)

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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
2,981 Posts
2,386 Thanked
Update: Also added your new release. I can keep updating Discogs if you like but you could do it too. You should check the info I entered. Discogs wants a Country for the label. It is the Netherlands?

PS: Congrats Henry, you now got your own Discogs Page. :)


quick question. Could you change the Artist to: Aerium pres. Avalon 62 instead of just Avalon 62, that way it pops up in my main discogs as an album aswell :)
Oct 7, 2022
149 Posts
132 Thanked
I just tried adding you guys to LabelBase (so producers can find the label) but cant seem to find a beatport page of TF.R. Is there one? If not you guys should look up a distribution service you can use. The fee is normal not too high and they will distribute to all platforms out there. I could give some recommendations so feel free to hit me up!
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