OUT Basil O'Glue - Source Memory [JOOF Recordings]

Basil O'Glue
Release title
Source Memory
Label name
JOOF Recordings
Release date
Jun 29, 2020
Release type
Artist album
Link to external store


The Banhammer
TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
1,531 Posts
1,414 Thanked

Basil O'Glue is undoubtedly a JOOF Recordings household name and we're all truly honoured to have him on board with his album Source Memory. A hallmark is all of progressive music, Source Memory is genius of Satuarate Audio's head honcho in full swing.

Full of creative twists and turns, beautiful builds, and mysterious atmospheres, Basil O'Glue proves why he is one of the greatest producers on Earth.

01. The Earthperiment
02. Out Of The Fog
03. Routine Activity
04. Thoughtform
05. There Were None
06. Ikona
07. Novem
08. The Mercury Project
09. Veil

Buy here:


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,546 Posts
3,170 Thanked
Nice, havent listened to much of BoG in a while, but he does have some great music. Look forward to hearing what he's got.

Sleepy Robot

Senior Member
Jul 7, 2020
781 Posts
507 Thanked
The Netherlands
I haven't given Basil much attention too last year but heard some tracks of this album in sets recently and they sounded really great.
Needs more listens.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
3,546 Posts
3,170 Thanked
Just had a proper listen. I enjoyed it but need to hear again as I found it hard to distinguish clear identity or moments between each track. Hesitant to say 'it all sounds the same' but thats kind of how it felt, although this often can be the case with Trance albums in general, no matter who or how good the artist is. The last track def caught my attention
