Bobby Summa & Stonedove - Sin3waves [WIP]


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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As Gagi said, it would be cool for you to keep posting updates in here and then maybe further down the line we can do personal back and forth. I actually am curious to see how good it is to have a track 'develop' inside the forum like this, with members contributing and so on. The cons are obviously a lot of backseat chefs, but at the same time, feedback is such a vital part of creative process and we are in a unique place with forums to chat. So if its cool with you, we could run this little experiment with your track where we have good visibility and feedback with members. But of course anytime you feel the need to ditch the backseat chefs you can, it's your track after all.

Bobby I don't really follow about what you want to post to the FB group. If we sign and release your track you could share it to as many people and places you desire. Not sure what you want to share at this stage though, but honestly you can share anything you want at this stage, no need to ask.

Btw I might try and make the 4th release (3rd already sorted) a mixed one with 2 or 3 artists with individual tracks. The goal would be for you to be on of those!

P.s still feel like the original unmixed version you posted sounds nicer, sound-wise. The second self mixed version sounds too clean, sharper, modern to my ears? Dont know if I am alone in feeling that (@Daysleeper?)

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
As Gagi said, it would be cool for you to keep posting updates in here and then maybe further down the line we can do personal back and forth. I actually am curious to see how good it is to have a track 'develop' inside the forum like this, with members contributing and so on. The cons are obviously a lot of backseat chefs, but at the same time, feedback is such a vital part of creative process and we are in a unique place with forums to chat. So if its cool with you, we could run this little experiment with your track where we have good visibility and feedback with members. But of course anytime you feel the need to ditch the backseat chefs you can, it's your track after all.

Bobby I don't really follow about what you want to post to the FB group. If we sign and release your track you could share it to as many people and places you desire. Not sure what you want to share at this stage though, but honestly you can share anything you want at this stage, no need to ask.

Btw I might try and make the 4th release (3rd already sorted) a mixed one with 2 or 3 artists with individual tracks. The goal would be for you to be on of those!

P.s still feel like the original unmixed version you posted sounds nicer, sound-wise. The second self mixed version sounds too clean, sharper, modern to my ears? Dont know if I am alone in feeling that (@Daysleeper?)
That sounds great. I think it will be an interesting experiment. I hope I can host it well. But I can’t guarantee il always be able to deliver the suggestion. ( although samples could even be shared if anyone has sounds etc on theyre computers on a vst or something that they are thinking of that i could incorporate on the track)

Any opinion is valid when it comes to how they like or dont like a part of a track.

il check the original link to see what you mean about a warmer sound.

About the fb group, i just thought of posting about listening to the Gatecrasher album for inspiration to make a track classic sounding as i am to release tracks with the new label, Trancefix records. Then i may mention that the label likes to release classic sounding tracks.
Yeah im cool with being part of an artist compilation for the release. Nice idea!
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Bobby Summa

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@Hensmon @Gagi @jetflag @Recharge @LostLegend

Just putting it out there. I once started this remix of the sin3waves track.
its more deep house, but if i speed it up a little. Change the fx a bit, ( less dreamy) add the bass line from the original. Do you think it could sound good for the release ? - just a thought. Wont be offended if not.
One first go sounds really nice. I love the deep hypnotic vibe. gonna give it a few more listens tomorrow.
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Bobby Summa

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One first go sounds really nice. I love the deep hypnotic vibe. gonna give it a few more listens tomorrow.
Thanks Recharge. I’ve actually been working on a slightly different version. One i started tonight which has gone immensely well. Very trancey using 90’s style sounds from air hybrid 3 vst Dune3 and the bassline transposed in key. I think its the best version but I haven’t put the vocals in yet, so unless people are fed up i will post it when more is done.

@Gagi @Hensmon

Apologies for keeping putting new versions up.
if i may post the version I’ve started tonight when I’ve done more then il leave it at that. But i do feel more excited about the version ive just started which has a wicked version of that bass sound.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Hey, sorry but I don't have much time for TranceFix these days, and when I do, it's almost always in an admin/mod/content role. I'll try to find some time to check out your track, but have you made a major update, and is the arrangement (almost) complete, or are you playing with drums and synths still?

Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Hey, sorry but I don't have much time for TranceFix these days, and when I do, it's almost always in an admin/mod/content role. I'll try to find some time to check out your track, but have you made a major update, and is the arrangement (almost) complete, or are you playing with drums and synths still?
Hey, thats cool. I think i am learning about myself on this journey to release a track. I am learning i need to focus on one thing more instead of multiple mixes, i should just finish one.

The track i started last night is in beginning stages. To not keep peoples time, I ought to make sure when I post a track that it already has a decent arrangement and structure.

So i have 3 mixes on the go of this track.
Edit: I have just listened to my latest mix and feel some of the elements people likes from the first mix will go well so i can incorporate them into this mix to make a energetic but still floaty mix with the sounds people like blending. I feel it will go well and will post link when a decent amount of the song is done.
@Hensmon and Gagi. When are you planning to release the Project? ( Hensmon mentioned putting a few tracks by different artists on one release) perhaps a approx date will assist me to stay focused. No worries if theres no estimated time when this will be set for. I appreciate this opportunity.
Many thanks
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Bobby Summa

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Update! Getting fairly complete now.
@Hensmon @Gagi

Sticking to version originally posted for various reasons.

- New sound added with hopefully a 90s vibe.

- Intro is nice but feels like part of a different track. Different key etc.

Does this sound classic trance enough to release with Trancefix Records once fully complete.


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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Thanks @Bobby Summa. Have a very busy day but will try and make a response tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the hard work!


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I would focus on the cohesiveness of the ideas here. Sounds like there might be a couple more than actually needed. I liked the sound of it from the start, no need to focus more on the 90s vibes or whatever. To me, it already sounded good enough, it just needed a complete arrangement first.
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Bobby Summa

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I would focus on the cohesiveness of the ideas here. Sounds like there might be a couple more than actually needed. I liked the sound of it from the start, no need to focus more on the 90s vibes or whatever. To me, it already sounded good enough, it just needed a complete arrangement first.
Excelent. That’s encouraging. I was worried about it sounding too modern.
You have actually enabled me to realise less work is needed on it than i thought.

So if I interpret your guidance right. You think what i need to do is not crowd it so much with little sounds and to focus much more on getting the main sounds at the right levels ( reverb, eq, volume & panning etc). And off course the arrangement.
That’s actually made it more simple for me so that i can look forward to arranging it well and just ‘trust’ that whats there in the main melodies and sounds is good enough ( with out twinkly bits). The good thing is, i have about 3 hours tomorrow night and thursday or Friday night to work on it and i can see how it could come about as a full track now.

only one question.

should scrap the idea of an intro ( definitely the one thats there anyway) and just start with a beat/ percussion to make it DJ friendly?
Many thanks. Thats helped a lot


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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only one question.

should scrap the idea of an intro ( definitely the one thats there anyway) and just start with a beat/ percussion to make it DJ friendly?
Many thanks. Thats helped a lot

Just quickly, I actually really liked the intro (beautiful sounds), so I think you should keep it. But rather than drop in the kick straight away I think you should tease with some lighter, very subtle rhythms (percs or fx). Not just 4/4 hit hit hit, but something quieter/softer//playful/breaks(?) rhythms that teases and builds before you go into the full 4/4. You actually drop the kick and start using softer percussion in the second intro to part around 1:03.... That kind of vibe. It may help transition from the opening intro to the second intro better as they feel a touch disjointed/seperated.

As Gagi says, your sounds is lovely. You don't need to do much more work on that. Only 1 synth sounds too sharp/high frequency to me and thats the ones during 3:34-3:45. The kick also sounds too modern to me, but honestly getting kicks right seems an impossible for modern trance and I can offer no advice on how to do it. It doesn't sound bad, but just how I feel.
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Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Just quickly, I actually really liked the intro (beautiful sounds), so I think you should keep it. But rather than drop in the kick straight away I think you should tease with some lighter, very subtle rhythms (percs or fx). Not just 4/4 hit hit hit, but something quieter/softer//playful/breaks(?) rhythms that teases and builds before you go into the full 4/4. You actually drop the kick and start using softer percussion in the second intro to part around 1:03.... That kind of vibe. It may help transition from the opening intro to the second intro better as they feel a touch disjointed/seperated.

As Gagi says, your sounds is lovely. You don't need to do much more work on that. Only 1 synth sounds too sharp/high frequency to me and thats the ones during 3:34-3:45. The kick also sounds too modern to me, but honestly getting kicks right seems an impossible for modern trance and I can offer no advice on how to do it. It doesn't sound bad, but just how I feel.
Thats brilliant and a great idea to improve the intro and transition to the main parts. Im glad you like the intro as i do too, just thought it didn’t blend right but with those suggestions it might.
Cool, il check out the sound at 3.34 to 4.45 and try and see whats going on.
As far as the kick. I have many kick programs / samples and enhancers so what Il do is listen to a similar track to this and see what sound the kick has.
Its not too hard with the programs i have to radically alter the sound of a kick sometimes at the twist of one knob.
so sometimes just a subtle twist can bring the best sound if you find that ‘sweet’ spot

Actually can you think of any tracks with a kick that might work and i could be inspired by it and try to get close to it or just similar whilst having individuality for this track feel.

Another thing i maybe ought to do is toss to one side the idea that I need to create the ‘best’ track in the world! 🙈.
I don’t know if other producers have these kind of strange aspirations (or that its just me being ridiculously immature 😂) - I had this aspiration in the 90s too ( the decade i last produced in before beginning again in 2020) and it probably didn’t help 🙈. Oh dear 😏

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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Really check out the Reii 3 in the shade EP för reference. How he ties together hos tracks in this style..
I just checked that track out. Lovely music. Ive done a bit more work on the track ( which has gone well) but not really the kick, i shall have a play with that tomorrow. Do you feel my track has a similar style to the Relli track. I love that track. Cheers


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Sep 24, 2020
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Nice sounding track so far. Nice Groove, the Bass sits nicely, love the vocal sample. For me the Synths that start around 1m 15s could be less busy, they sound a bit cluttered but definitely the track has some promise.
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