Bobby Summa & Stonedove - Sin3waves [WIP]

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK

So. Ive just altered some things and am fairly pleased. Taken peoples suggestions but had to change the key of the track a little. -1.

The volume of some parts is out but if i can know if the vibe is good or if any single sounds etc ( hand clap too sharp?).

Anyhow. Done about 10 hours this weekend on it. Ive only recorded 3/4 minutes as need to alter key changes of rest ( transpose slightly trickier than you may think - to a tired soul lol)

@Hensmon @Gagi id appreciate if you heard it. Volumes out but not a hard fix.

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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Yo, thanks for posting.

I think this entire time you've had as good track idea, with very nice sounds, you just needed to structure/arrange it in a more familiar way over a 6-8 minute timeframe. I think you are still struggling with that. The new long intro you introduced is not as good as the previous one imo, feels out of place and not connected with the main track idea.

Take what you already had and create an arrangement that allows it to build and come together, imo you don't really need to create different parts or more ideas, just use the elements and theme of what exists already and use them to create proper track sections that allow for breakdowns, build, intro and outro etc.

Even if you have to start with something basic; like Intro, build(up), breakdown/peak, build(down), outro then thats a good structure foundation to grow from. In the previous track I think you already had a nice intro and build up of your elements down, but then were missing a clear middle section like a breakdown to be expressive or atmospheric that leads to the coming together and eventually build-down/deconstruction into an outro. Your outro in these previous tracks is also kind of done as well actually.


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Have to say I quite agree with Hens here. You clearly have some good ideas, but for me right now it's all about having some consistency within the track. Structure and arrangement first, I am not sure if you need to add more new ideas to the track.
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Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Yo, thanks for posting.

I think this entire time you've had as good track idea, with very nice sounds, you just needed to structure/arrange it in a more familiar way over a 6-8 minute timeframe. I think you are still struggling with that. The new long intro you introduced is not as good as the previous one imo, feels out of place and not connected with the main track idea.

Take what you already had and create an arrangement that allows it to build and come together, imo you don't really need to create different parts or more ideas, just use the elements and theme of what exists already and use them to create proper track sections that allow for breakdowns, build, intro and outro etc.

Even if you have to start with something basic; like Intro, build(up), breakdown/peak, build(down), outro then thats a good structure foundation to grow from. In the previous track I think you already had a nice intro and build up of your elements down, but then were missing a clear middle section like a breakdown to be expressive or atmospheric that leads to the coming together and eventually build-down/deconstruction into an outro. Your outro in these previous tracks is also kind of done as well actually.
No worries il go back to the original and use this intro for a more cinematic or atmospheric ambient track.

il try a propper arrangement soon
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Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Update (private soundcloud link… just thought id see what it looks like with trancefix presents etc, - no one else can see it)

@Hensmon @Gagi @jetflag @LostLegend @Recharge Hope you guys dont mind me tagging you. Just wondered what you thought of this . Its still not finished but i feel its getthere finnaly. I couldn’t get the original intro from other version to sound right ( apologies) but what you think of this intro and general development. I know some of the sound positioning isnt quite there yet, may move melody and elements in the intro

Things i may change.
Tempo feels a bit quick. But its 129bpm.

Il deffo do a better arrangement, this is just a rough one. The track will have longer mid section.

Lite drops or whatever those things are called that signify when the kick will come in or dissapear.

il add a bit more percussion. Thinking of having a bit more of a standard hand clap to go along with the one thats there. This one will have less reverb and be lower pitched that the one thats there.

I know @Hensmon you loved the intro i did before but I genuinely couldn’t get it to match, the pitch made it sound like it was a different song. I can use it for another track though.

Hope you guys like whats there. Many thanks

Rob. (Bobby Summa)
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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I think you have enough good ideas to turn this into a longer track with a proper structure.
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Yo Bobby sorry for the slow response, been busy as fuck.

I think this latest version is an improvement and you are heading in the right direction. Tell you what. let's see if any of the other folks here pitch in, then we can take it to personal messages to see if we can finalize the arrangement (which still needs work). But you are definitely getting there and think you will have a good track once those arrangement fixes are made.
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Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Yo Bobby sorry for the slow response, been busy as fuck.

I think this latest version is an improvement and you are heading in the right direction. Tell you what. let's see if any of the other folks here pitch in, then we can take it to personal messages to see if we can finalize the arrangement (which still needs work). But you are definitely getting there and think you will have a good track once those arrangement fixes are made.
Hi Hensmon. No worries man. I can see you and Gagi have been very busy. Cant wait till Nov 1st!
Thanks for the feedback from you and Gagi also. I actually did more on the track in the last few days, mainly refining the intro. Its theme is same as the last version on here but i have changed one or two effects ( which add quite abit to the atmosphere). I also have added a little bit of female chanting. (from a sample pack i bought ).
i have tried to ensure the intro doesn’t sound muddy and cluttered also.

If im honest im very excited about how its sounding. I am not at work today so plan to ‘dive in’ to the track. Will post later after ive done work on it

Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Apologies for big post /text.

I put something together, but definitely not perfect by quite a bit.
Acid line crowds the mix where it is. I will see what its like if i bring in the lead in where the acid comes in then perhaps use an edited version of the acid line when the lead melody ends.
I like the intro how it is though. Perhaps it could be better but it isn’t bad.
May change the kick or louden it. Not sure about the clap i added. May scrap that and try either different clap or edited version or an open hi hat
Didnt get much change to work on the arrangement but am forming ideas as i type this.
Still pretty sure i can get a good track outa this.

sorry to tag and bug you guys. Don’t worry if you’re too busy.

incidentally along with this tune ive been making another trance tune. Its floaty but 144 bpm interestingly and has an orbital chime like lead sound in it .
Also seeing a mate sunday to collaborate on a tune for our first ever collaboration. Hes a great musician.
Might start a trance track also. @Hensmon @Gagi . If you have any preference for any possible releases in terms of style, we could attempt a track in that vein. If its good enough then you are free to release it. Hes a great guy and musician so here’s hoping we can get something good done. Then its up to you if its releasable. We wont be offended if it isnt. But i think good things will be cooking on Sunday! Roast Trance me thinks! ( hey great name for a track ???)
@Gagi @LostLegend @jetflag @Recharge @IXM @Magdelayna

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Bobby Summa

Elite Member
Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Latest alteration.

Havent been happy with any of the intros ive made. Ive just wanted to do a lot better. Apologies for trying so many.

ive actually created the atmosphere i wanted on this intro, I’ve actually not made an atmosphere like it before.

- recorded all that was there but after listening to my new intro a lot it’s bought a new perspective. Kick will change and claps will go. The acid will go but the main lead will stay and bassline might have slightly different fx.

Loving the atmosphere in the intro
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Sep 26, 2020
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I really love this version. It screams 90s and in a good way, no scratch that, in a great way.

I also like the previous version, its more beefy, but this one has such a great chill vibe.
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Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Hi. Ive already sent one or two of you this, but want to put this open to all the trancefix
Community for feedback.
Its a track im making for trancefix record label. TF-R. I have been working on the structure a lot as its where I struggle.

Its not finished (but i feel it’s getting close but needs improvement) so Any feedback greatly appreciated.

6.45 mins long. Originally it was slower but I have upped the tempo to 136bpm
@Daysleeper . I welcome your direct and honest critique (I think I know what you’ll say, …and Il probably agree)

I feel it may now be too full of Sound. / Cluttered??

@Hensmon and @Gagi . Hope you don’t mind me posting this here.

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Lost in Trancelation
Jul 13, 2020
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It needs another kick, and the some of the percs sounds too tinny, and a little bit more low-end (a stronger bassline, or some kind of countermelodic bassline), and some overall eq:uing. Dont remove the acid! I would like the acid to come in with a stronger lead/hook in the latter half of the track. Now the acid sounds a bit....weird?

But def a huge improvement in the arrangement and the track does feel more structured than last time I listened. But to me its still not a complete ready-for-release track.
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Bobby Summa

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Brighton UK
It needs another kick, and the some of the percs sounds too tinny, and a little bit more low-end (a stronger bassline, or some kind of countermelodic bassline), and some overall eq:uing. Dont remove the acid! I would like the acid to come in with a stronger lead/hook in the latter half of the track. Now the acid sounds a bit....weird?

But def a huge improvement in the arrangement and the track does feel more structured than last time I listened. But to me its still not a complete ready-for-release track.
Thank you man. Il consider your advice dude. Definitely about the kick and tinny perc bits and that it needs more bass. Sometimes its hard to make a sound less tinny, is it the snare you mean, the sound with the frills ( trills)/ drum roll, approaching a introduction to a new sound? If so i was thinking of changing it already but was interested in other opinions. So cheers, if its that sound i will look into choosing another snare ( or a warmer reverb for it to eliminate the tinnyness)

The acid is kinda more a subjective thing sometimes so il wait and see what others say. Incidentally when you say, don’t stop the acid, do you mean at the point it goes down to 0 volume, I shouldn’t fade it out? ( I actually filtered it out with the cut off knob but maybe that didn’t work)

yes, eq is is something i need to revisit as other parts/sounds have changed since i last did lots of eq work.
Cheers 👍
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Structure-wise definitely an improvement (yay!), but I now feel there's a load of different ideas, just thrown one on top of another, without any musical cohesion. So now I would maybe focus my attention towards that; to build a track that's has clear ideas but has enough variety to keep it interesting throughout. It's hard hitting that balance as a producer, and hard giving concrete feedback as a listener, especially in that case.

But definitely keep working on it!
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Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Structure-wise definitely an improvement (yay!), but I now feel there's a load of different ideas, just thrown one on top of another, without any musical cohesion. So now I would maybe focus my attention towards that; to build a track that's has clear ideas but has enough variety to keep it interesting throughout. It's hard hitting that balance as a producer, and hard giving concrete feedback as a listener, especially in that case.

But definitely keep working on it!
Cheers man, i did wonder if id over done certain areas. I always keep mixes on my PC so will keep this but will also do a mix with certain alterations. Thanks
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Bobby Summa

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Sep 7, 2022
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Brighton UK
Im going to attempt a few things/versions. After listening a lit . I actually like many of the little sound effects sounds. One or two i will eliminate and see. I will eq the track, up the oomph on the bass, try different reverb on some tinny sounds, play a lot with frequencies in the ‘4’ layer kick.or try another kick.

Il take sections of sounds out so its not as crowded but keep them in more important areas so they are only in necessary areas.

i will try boosting the acid and not temporarily pause/stop it but keep it at more subtle filter levels during break. I may also reduce a lot of reverb on a few areas of sounds to add clarity to the dynamics a bit.

Cheers for the help so far guys 😊