On the contrary, it makes perfect sense given where “woke” is coming from. I’m actually surprised someone didn’t coin the term sooner.
I don’t disagree with that definition of woke m8…
The problem with wokeism, (as part of applied-postmodernism), is that it’s completely dependent on individual/group perception and simultaneously always valid therein,
(which is why for instance woke “experts” always refer to things like “ lived experiences”) as well as being semantically self-contained.
Given that, it thus becomes an arbitrary/personal/tribal/ or political matter when choosing the specific social injustice issue, or demographic effected thereby, as being sacrosanct or most important. Which, in turn, is also where plenty of valid “Woke” right-wing equivalents come from when taken…
..In to account, for example:
- white-male truckers. A demonstrable 2% work-minority in America, demonstrably disproportionately consisting of that, and demonstrably disproportionately more likely to die or be injured then most other professions.
- Christian minorities in sharia-governed countries,
- Conscientious vax-objectors in light of increasingly authoritarian governments in cahoots with big pharma etc.
If you give any of those examples of social injustice, to a random "traditional left-wing "woke acolyte.. the responds you will get will either be:
- The Acolyte will shift the goalpost (for instance make the claim that giving more power to its preferred demographic of choice will somehow also solve that problem too)
- the Acolyte dismisses the topic as irrelevant to others of his or her choosing.
- the acolyte will simply proclaim “Heresy” (that’s a dangerous rightwing nazi MRA etc. topic! You should go near it! etc.)
...Which is precisely the responds you would expect. Given as the claim by the right-wing-wokie cannot be refuted, rebuffed, disproven or logically given hierarchical priority in the same philosophical framework.
So, I don’t “roll my eyes” at the definition you give of Woke and/or woke thinking
@dmgtz96. I roll my eyes at the fact that you still don’t seem to seem grasp the arbitrary and tribal dependent nature concerning the hierarchy
I also roll my eyes at how the right in general has been so utterly sluggish and slow on catching up with that.. the fact that Kisin just coined the term, in a time that woke is more of a mocking-slur then a compliment colloquially, speaks bookmarks.