Conservative or liberal (politics)


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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His wealth needs to go and needs to be seized by the state
You lot might want to be careful with that sentiment given the chance that Trump might very well be the state in a few years m8, just saying ;)


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Professions aren't protected classes. People generally don't have a grudge against "white male truckers" unless they're the morons who engage in trucker freedom convoys. It is not a valid example of social injustice.
I can't comment on the men vs women earnings gap. I do agree that the issue about men's working conditions in dangerous jobs is being largely unaddressed, other than maybe by the right who *do* talk about it but nevertheless wouldn't really push policies to address the issue. The right in the US fear-monger a lot, but they're not known for solid political platforms that improve the lives of their constituents unless you're very, very rich.

That job posting is really bad and shouldn't have been released. If diversity & inclusion is what you want... I would argue that, given two similarly qualified candidates: one who happens to be white and one who happens to be a minority, I would lean toward the white candidate *if* such a candidate has a much better record of leadership in organizations of diversity and inclusion, and who has mentored minority candidates to help them succeed as young scientists. That would be preferable versus a minority candidate who never really took leadership within diversity & inclusion organizations, who never mentored anyone, and whose academic career is tailored toward his own professional development / self-interest instead of developing young scientists. At the end of the day, candidate 1 is just more qualified to *be* a tenure-track professor, never mind a chair, and candidate 2 would be better off working in industry IMO.

Candidate 2 was actually me when I was applying for PhD schools - I didn't have a track record of mentorship or leadership positions in DE&I, so I didn't get into schools that looked specifically for that (i.e. Michigan). I ended up working in industry, lol
Edit: and I do accept that I just wasn't a great fit for the school, compared to the candidates who actually got in.
Sure, but you’re focussing/ dissecting and for the most part agreeing with the examples given here.. it wasn’t about any particular example..

the point was: is there after all this time a “woke right” emerging, who combat what they perceive as social injustices brought forth by institutions such as the state or education or even abroad.

and well.. yes there is 🤷


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Doesn't matter if he hardly does business in NY. His companies have been engaging in fraud for decades. His image of a "wealthy billionaire" was built off the backs of all the contractors and companies that never received payment for work performed for Trump's organization, and of all the honest taxpayers who paid their fair share of taxes while this guy evaded taxes as much as possible.

His wealth needs to go and needs to be seized by the state. He needs to go to the grave penniless in retribution for all the people he has screwed over his entire life.

(Edited to make it sound more poetic.)
Armin van Buuren over exaggerated his fan base he has been saying that over 25 million worldwide were listening to his show. Accountants manipulate records all the time and over exaggerate financial performances all the time and that's why we see so many businesses fail in the end or go under. As someone who has worked as an accountant I can tell you people as IRS or ATO only go after the big dogs. You are not living idealistic world either people lie, cheat, manipulate and back stab all the time to get what they want otherwise they will end up dying if they were a straight tree.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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This is similar to thing like you can't even breathe oxygen anymore in Russia otherwise anything incorrectly perceived wrongly you will put to jail.
What makes you think people haven’t been locked away for that already m8?

the Soviet Union had an even worse track record then putin when it came to that


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2022
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What makes you think people haven’t been locked away for that already m8?

the Soviet Union had an even worse track record then putin when it came to that
True, I bet there are a lot of people in Russia especially the KGB who have infected people with Ricin. There are estimated crazy amounts of TV reporters killed in Russia. Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned to death with radionuclide polonium-210.



Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Armin van Buuren over exaggerated his fan base he has been saying that over 25 million worldwide were listening to his show. Accountants manipulate records all the time and over exaggerate financial performances all the time and that's why we see so many businesses fail in the end or go under. As someone who has worked as an accountant I can tell you people as IRS or ATO only go after the big dogs. You are not living idealistic world either people lie, cheat, manipulate and back stab all the time to get what they want otherwise they will end up dying if they were a straight tree.
Oh, I know. That's why we should find all the fraudsters and redistribute their wealth to society. We shouldn't have these leeches.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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You lot might want to be careful with that sentiment given the chance that Trump might very well be the state in a few years m8, just saying ;)
I don't think he'll be elected president. If he is, his presidency will end abruptly. Dude has mild to severe dementia based on his latest election rallies. His speech is starting to get incomprehensible, even compared to his 2016 and 2020 presidential campaign. He is starting to confuse people (Melania vs. Mercedes), and he is making up words.

Realistically, the election will be between Nikki Haley and Biden. Trump might as well drop dead before the end of the year.


Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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I don't think he'll be elected president. If he is, his presidency will end abruptly. Dude has mild to severe dementia based on his latest election rallies. His speech is starting to get incomprehensible, even compared to his 2016 and 2020 presidential campaign. He is starting to confuse people (Melania vs. Mercedes), and he is making up words.

Realistically, the election will be between Nikki Haley and Biden. Trump might as well drop dead before the end of the year.
yeah but that goes for Biden aswell in a much more severe and frequent sense.. and he's been geriatrically stumbling around fine for 4 years.

its amazing what you can do with cholinesterase inhibitors these days


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Somehow, the massacre of Palestinian aid seekers changed my perspective on the Arab-Israeli conflict. I cannot support Israel in good faith and have now switched over to the pro-Palestinian side
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TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Somehow, the massacre of Palestinian aid seekers changed my perspective on the Arab-Israeli conflict. I cannot support Israel in good faith and have now switched over to the pro-Palestinian side
Not entirely related to this incident: You're constantly on a side, aren't you? Why?
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Eh I'm of the opinion that being nuanced doesn't move politics
Do consider though.. that when it comes to politics around the globe, most of the time people go for the middle ground instead of a spectrum’s outer end ;)


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Do consider though.. that when it comes to politics around the globe, most of the time people go for the middle ground instead of a spectrum’s outer end ;)
Sure. At least when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the presence of Israel as a state, the entire world opposes Israel. The US is the only outlier.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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More like 50 50, my country for instance is very good at “condemning the methods” whilst still proclaiming this is defensive and even supply materials.
In the US, it seems that everyone young/people of color support Palestinians, and only older folk + politicians support Israel
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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In the US, it seems that everyone young/people of color support Palestinians, and only older folk + politicians support Israel
Yes, I’ve noticed the us is that way a lot. you’re sort defacto pushed into a political position based on your demographic and/or the opposition to your political opponents. There, ironically, doesn’t seem to be a lot of individual thought, more tribalism.

Things are more equally spread here. Sure the Muslims all support Palestine and the Jews Israel, but ask any youth/ kid on the block here and the answer is fairly split.

my position on the matter remains the same, I support ordinary Palestinian and Israeli people, and will work against their respected “governments” be that Hamas or Netanyahu where and if I can.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2020
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Yes, I’ve noticed the us is that way a lot. you’re sort defacto pushed into a political position based on your demographic and/or the opposition to your political opponents. There, ironically, doesn’t seem to be a lot of individual thought, more tribalism.

Things are more equally spread here. Sure the Muslims all support Palestine and the Jews Israel, but ask any youth/ kid on the block here and the answer is fairly split.

my position on the matter remains the same, I support ordinary Palestinian and Israeli people, and will work against their respected “governments” be that Hamas or Netanyahu where and if I can.
As far as I know, the supporters of one side (like Palestinians) do understand the nuance. And I agree - support the people, hate the governments
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Elite Member
Jul 17, 2020
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Concerning the terrorist attack in Moscow. IMO There are three likely possibilities here:

1- US/NATO/Ukraine were behind the attack, in an attempt to force Putin to escalate, and drag NATO into full-scale WW3.

2- Russia were behind the attack to justify significant escalation.

3- 3e party entity carried it out to ultimately see both destroyed (and I would add for religious reasons.)

I hope party 1 and 2 at the very leastmanage to keep their big boy pants on till we know more


TranceFix Crew
Jun 27, 2020
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Concerning the terrorist attack in Moscow. IMO There are three likely possibilities here:

1- US/NATO/Ukraine were behind the attack, in an attempt to force Putin to escalate, and drag NATO into full-scale WW3.

2- Russia were behind the attack to justify significant escalation.

3- 3e party entity carried it out to ultimately see both destroyed (and I would add for religious reasons.)

I hope party 1 and 2 at the very leastmanage to keep their big boy pants on till we know more
I've read that the US embassy in Moscow warned Russian officials about the attack ~2 weeks ago. They had some intelligence about there being a potential for an attack on large venues in Moscow, but it was dismissed.

No "flammable" statements yet. IS took responsibility for the attack. 11 people were arrested.

About your possibilities, who would benefit from #1 (besides the war industry)? And for #2, why would they need a justification, and to whom would they need to justify the escalation?