ok, m8...with respect and kindness by the way, this is no attack just my 2 cents view on the speech and your take on it..
But I think you're suffering from TDS. Like seriously..
There was nothing in that statement or his speech that was in any way a disservice towards the other victims of the shooting, which he also in previous statements adressed by the way. Or in his believe/ comment that God saved him. like: what is precisely disrespectful and indicative about that and to whom? God himself for f-ing up?
I've adressed jan 6th in a previous post so needless to say i'm not going to repeat myself again. And as for the fear that the world war 3 will break out under Trump. The evidence is simply, utterly, to the contrairy.

Things were demonstrably better under Trump in terms of world peace.. and that was with Covid. whatever you think of his awefull caracter..He very good at not starting wars... which given the USA's disposition on that front is actually quite something. And the Abraham Accords in the middle east by themselves should have landed him the bloody nobel peace prize for the astounishing acomplishment that was.
I think, and I'm saying this as someone who does not support Trump as a candidate in this election (if I even could) by the way..
...that you might have allowed one-sided media coverage of the man in the past 5 years to so completely poison your mind with so much negativity that everything,
everything the man says or does is seen as evil by you... up to the point where your first statement is akin to saying: "if she didn't dress so slutty she wouldn't be in a position to be raped".